Title: To Covet
Fandom: Fire Emblem 10
Genre: Not sure. Angst...?
Rating, Warnings: NC-17/MA for explicit sex.
Summary: The circumstances are proper, even if her intentions are not. Micaiah hasn't forgotten Sothe, but her body aches with youth. Stefan sates her incompletely. A reflection on loyalty, longevity, and loneliness (but not quite love).
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That glimpse, early on, of what I believe was his family? Yes! I have so much headcanon for Stefan's early circumstances that it's ridiculous. Most of it will only probably be hinted at, ever.
I think I actually know where you got the purplish hue. With Micaiah's dialogue, I thought about it and decided to allow for both the supposedly formal circumstances of the occasion, Stefan's rank, and possible court influence. I probably overcompensated for these things and her voice is probably too formal. But, I think that impression is stronger in lines like this maybe:
Could she leave his ghost as soon as his scent faded from the air? How many times she wished she could have grown old with him! Instead she lived a lifetime, and - parting ways with him at the edges of mortality - turned back to square her shoulders against a world she now knew too well. Surely she could not bear the rest alone.
I thought to myself that they were faintly Victorian, then couldn't come up with a way to rework them with the same effect without coming off as Victorian.
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