Title: Imagine
Fandom: Fire Emblem 9
Genre: Angst
Rating, Warnings: NC-17/MA for an explicit depiction of one of the following badfic conventions.
Second Note as I'm flipping this to public: I think I should probably warn a second time that there is definitely trigger material in here. It's not a trigger for me and I write depressing crap all the
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Regarding angst about significant trauma in general, I think it's not only in character but more effective to avoid flowery language and keep it raw and blunt. Looking back on this, his defensiveness about selling himself is one of my favorite parts -- that he feels the need to defend the act, his implicit self-guilt over something that (by modern standards) he is blameless for.
About the belt: I remember reading a book on memory (The Seven Sins of Memory by Steven Pinker I think) that mentioned that people had a tendency to remember the immediately threatening object to a fault. For example, a guy robs a store at gunpoint. The clerk will remember ridiculous details about the gun that was thrust into her face, and unfortunately little about the robber himself. Similar principle with the belt.
Anyway, I'm glad I can write something like this concerning Soren and still apparently have it come off as in-character. :D Thanks for the comments!
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