The Ravenclaw

Jan 16, 2013 17:44

Fo 12_stories
Prompt Table: #6 DARK
Prompt: #2 - HURT
Characters: Cho Chang

She thinks that maybe, she screams. When she sees Cedric's body, she might have let out a bloodcurdling shriek. But she isn't very sure about that, not too sure at all.

The only thing she remembers clearly is feeling blank. Because Cedric - the boy she loves, the only one she'll ever love - is lying there in front of her, dead. And he's never coming back, is he?

She thinks that she may have done something, gone somewhere, over the summer. All she remembers is wishing Cedric was there, and alive, and with her. She spends the summer crying, but she never runs out of tears.

She finds that she cannot do the simplest of things - like play Quidditch, or read a book - without remembering Cedric, and breaking into fresh tears.

She doesn't really remember that summer at all.

She only remembers one thing, one true memory instead of a wish. Before she leaves for Hogwarts - and she can't breathe for a second, because it' whereCedricdied ndash; her mother catches a hold of her. 'Cho,' she remembers her saying, 'it's time you tried to move on. You. Are. Ravenclaw. You know that there is nothing that can change this situation - it's time you thought of changing yourself.'

For some reason, that sticks with her. She is Ravenclaw. She is logical and sensible - didn't Cedric tell her that that was part of what he loved about her? And her mother's right - she cannot change what has happened. But she can change herself. She can make herself stronger.

So even though she knows that she will not be able to move on quickly - may never be able to move on fully - she stops in front of the bathroom mirror before she leaves. She wipes away the tears on her face, does up her hair, and; for what is the first time in months; puts on a light layer of makeup.

After a summer of mourning, she finally forces a smile onto her face.

Maybe she can't move on, maybe she can't forget. But she can - and will - try.

Because she is Cho Chang. She is a Ravenclaw.

harry potter, angst

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