A Year's Harvest, Chapter 3

Jan 06, 2013 19:05

Links to previous chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2

Also written for 12_stories, Table 3, Occasions, Winter


WINTER - Part 1

Harry woke up on Christmas day to pile of presents that was several times larger than anything he had ever received before. He knew that this was the effect of his defeat of Voldemort - it seemed as though almost every magical person in the British Isles seemed determined to reward him in any way possible.

Hermione had predicted this after the storm of owls on his birthday, and he had already advised all his close friends and family to either present their gifts to him in person or send them through someone else in the castle.

A Malfoy eagle owl flew through the dormitory window just as he was making his way down to the Great Hall for a late breakfast.


Get your ass down here. It's already 11. What exactly are you doing up there?


P.S - Don't mention yesterday. Granger has undoubtedly already told you that you aren't supposed to reply before next Christmas, but knowing you, I thought I'd include a second warning. Don't.

Also, my Christmas present for this year is not included in the presents I'm going to be giving you over the next year. Don't argue about that either - I'm a Malfoy, you won't win.

Harry shook his head - after more than three months of being friends with Draco, he knew the other boy was right. He wouldn't win the argument, and he liked to think that he was learning when to pick his battles.

Draco thrust a wrapped package into his hands as soon a he entered the Common Room.

"I know you've been thinking about writing the truth of the war to counter the pieces the Prophet comes up with. The journal's got inbuilt secrecy charms - no one will be able to read what you've written unless you give them explicit permission. I thought it might help in making sure Granger doesn't interfere in her misguided attempts to help," he said in a rush.

Harry grinned. Draco was so cute when he was nervous - not that he was ever going to say that out loud. Contrary to popular belief, he did not have a death wish.

Instead, all he said was "Thanks, Draco. I hoped you liked your present."

"I loved it. How did you manage to get a hold of those ingredients? Some of them are restricted materials - the Ministry won't let anyone other than registered Potions Masters buy them, and if your Potions grades are anything to go by, you're anything but a mater in Potions."

"Sometimes, being famous isn't all that bad," Harry replied with a smirk.

The two boys walked towards the entrance hole in a companionable silence. Before Draco could open the door, Harry, astounded at his own bravery, reached out and pulled him into a hug.

Holding Draco was like nothing he had ever experienced before. It may have been a cheesy and overused line, but in those few moments, he found what he seemed to have been looking for his whole life. A reason - a reason to exist. As much as loved his friends, it sometimes got extremely lonely when they paired up. But with Draco, all that disappeared. It was like - Merlin, why were clichés so true - like the world disappeared and it was only the two of them.

Before Harry reluctantly let go of Draco, he murmured, "You know what my answer will be, but for your sake, I'll keep quiet."

The pleased blush on Draco's face was definitely worth the smack Harry received to the back of his head.

The season winter is associated with the element earth. One of the most well known - and difficult - earth magics is runic magic. Other earth magics include…

Of the major holidays occurring during winter, Yule is the most famous. Samhain - popularly celebrated as Halloween - and Imbolc signify the change of the seasons. Samhain brings in winter as autumn recedes, and Imbolc signifies the end of winter, and entrance of Spring. Imbolc is associated with, among other things, new beginnings and cleansing of both the body and soul…

The first gift reached Harry in the middle of one of Ron's ranting sessions. He was rather pleased with the whole thing, because Ron was ranting about how Draco couldn't be trusted, and Harry didn't trust himself not to reach for his wand.

As soon as she saw the owl, Hermione put down the book she was reading and approached them.

"Is that the first one, Harry?"

"I think it must be," he replied, reaching for the small parcel and letter tied to the owl's leg.

"Well, open it mate! Let's see what the ferret's sent you - it'll probably be something dark, knowing him."

Harry just looked at him and sighed. "Are you sure you want to be here for this, Ron?"

"Of course I do! I need to protect my best mate from ferrets, don't I?" he answered indignantly.

Harry opened the letter first.


I could explain the necklace to you, but I have no doubt Granger will manage that. To make your life easier - you push yourself too hard, with both the rebuilding and your studies.

Do remember to wear it at all times.


"Bloody hell, he's trying to order you around now!" Ron exclaimed, reading the letter over Harry's shoulder.

"Ronald! Just let it go!" Hermione exclaimed, finally reaching the end of her patience. "Open the package, Harry."

The package held a delicate silver necklace in the shape of what Harry assumed was a rune. Before he could say anything, Hermione let out a shocked exclamation.

"I've read about those! It's a runestone - they're extremely difficult to make, and hold the properties of whichever rune they represent. That's one's Berkano. It represents Berchta, the birch-goddess. Among its many attributes is the promise of growth, mental, physical and personal. The necklace will make it easier for you to gain new knowledge or learn new things, and it will make physical challenges easier on your body."

Harry stopped listening to Hermione as soon as he registered what the necklace in front of him meant in conjunction with the letter. He doubted even Ron or Hermione had noticed that the constant strain on his body meant he was tiring more easily - it was extremely subtle, and he had taken some time to realize it himself. But Draco had - Draco had noticed it.

As Hermione continued on with her lecture, he slipped on the necklace, a warm feeling slowly spreading over his body.

It was the first of February, and most of the Gryffindor table was listening raptly to Hermione talking about the significance of the day.

One of the most unexpected results of the war with Voldemort had been the effect it had on convincing the rest of the wizarding world about Pureblood traditions. In order to prevent another Dark Lord from gaining followers the way Voldemort had done, the Ministry, along with McGonagall, had made knowledge of Pureblood traditions a part of the NEWTs , with the first class having started as soon as the Christmas holidays were done.

Draco's declaration had only increased the popularity of the class, especially among the boys. The conversations among the girls on how romantic Draco was being had quickly convinced them of the merits of this new idea. It helped that Hermione had been right when she was explaining the Courting Rituals to Harry - the old traditions were an extremely fascinating subject, even to those who didn't have Hermione's academic leanings.

And so it happened that, apart from the few purebloods in Gryffindor, everyone was actually paying rapt attention to Hermione's lecture on Imbolc for a change.

Harry's attention, however, was wandering. According to Hermione, today was the last day Draco had to give him the second of the two gifts to be given this winter, and he was keeping an eye out for eagle owls. Because of this, he nearly missed the fact that Draco was approaching him.

As he came closer, the rest of the table gradually grew silent. The last time this happened had been that fateful breakfast the day before Christmas, and the majority of Gryffindor had not been present. This time, they didn't intend to miss anything.

As soon as Draco reached Harry, he handed him a large, neatly wrapped package. Looking around at all the eyes on him, he bent down and murmured in Harry's ear, "these have calming potions in them. They'll make sure that you can have a good night's rest after the too many stressful days you seem to be having. I didn't give that necklace so that you push yourself even more, you know."

As soon as Draco started to walk away, what seemed like the entire house pounced on Harry at once.

"Can we please see what's in it, Harry?"

"Please open it here, Harry!"

"C'mon Harry, open it!"

Laughing, he held up his hands. "Okay, okay, guys, calm down. I'll open it right away."

The package held a large selection of home made creams, bath salts, pain potions, and assorted other items. They weren't expensive if bought, but it was obvious that Draco had made each of them from scratch. As the girls awwed and the boys looked slightly nauseous at the romantic gift (and a tad bit worried that they would be expected to do the same - Gryffindors weren't known for their excellence in Potions, mainly due to Snape's hatred of them), Harry let a sly smile take over his features. Just because he couldn't say or do anything romantic with Draco for the next year didn't mean that he couldn't send him gifts as long as there was a genuine reason. And Valentine's Day was just around the corner…he had to have a talk with McGonagall immediately.

harry potter, harry/draco, romance, fluff

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