Jan 11, 2007 14:51


If your flist is anything like mine, you have been repeatedly reminded of that fact. And with good reason, - TV is back!!!!

So, how is your Thursday going?

I crashed in bed at 10pm last night, hoping to sleep all the way through and have a productive day.

Instead, I woke up at 5am with stomach troubles. So I'm sick on New Supernatural Thursday.

(No, really, I am.)

On the good, I have been able to take advantage of this to do a little bit of that marathon of
Supernatural S2 that I've been planning on ... oh, since before Thanksgiving.

(I say "little bit" because I AM feeling bad and not even interested in an all-day marathon. [Yeah, THAT bad. Don't worry, I'm not dying.])

On the bad, this combination high-dosage viewing and new-episode anticipation is kicking my fangirl tendancies into high gear.

This means crack!

Like woah.

So, be warned, this is most likely the first of many posts today. Of an entire spam of posts. (I have decided that "a spam of posts" is the correct collective noun. Like "a squee of fangirls,:

And, speaking of fangirls... but, no, that's for the next post. Right now I gotta go get some more water and see if there is ANYTHING in the entire house that I feel like eating. (That isn't made of chocolate.)

my life, spam-y, fangirl-y, new tv, my shows, flist

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