This is the first post of the rest of my LJ-ife

Sep 02, 2006 20:04

I was driving this afternoon (either to Office Depot or to the gym) and I saw a vanity license plate that read: NOTPURP on a, well, I guess we'll call it “raisin”(?)-colored pickup truck. Heh.

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My mom and I watched Red Eye last night. She thinks it would probably have been a better movie had it been recast with Johnny Depp and Sandra Bullock.

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(This is especially amusing to me as my mom does NOT find Johnny Depp attractive. At least, not Captain-Jack-Sparrow-style Depp.)

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Regardless of acting ability or not, (and I don't really agree with my mom's panning of her) I think that Rachel McAdams (the girl in Red Eye) is extraordinarily beautiful in a real-life kind of way.

Like, you could actually know someone who looks like her, you know?

(And you'd kind of hate them JUST a little bit for looking like that.)

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Also, she TOTALLY should have been the one cast as Syd's long-lost little sis on the second-to-last season of Alias. No?

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Re: the above - if I had the ambition, talent, or time, I would have photoshoped Rachel McAdams's face into that infamous red wig and black turtleneck combo.

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For the record: I ADORE Sandra Bullock. I don’t really know why. I just do. I wish we could be like, old college friends and hang out at each other’s houses until 3am and watch old movies together and talk all the way through them.

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I think she is very real-person attractive also and I enjoy watching movies she is in, simply because they have her in it. Even though she plays the EXACT SAME CHARACTER in different stages of her life in about 90% of them. (Her characters in ‘While You Were Sleeping’ and ‘Two Weeks Notice’ even share the same first name along with their extreme fondness for Chinese food.)

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A number of years ago I decided that Sandra Bullock (and I suppose Rachel McAdams too now) is/are the type I think I would go for if I were a guy.

Well, and Stephanie March and Deanne Bray. But that's probably mostly because my idealized mind's eye image of myself looks strikingly like a composite of them.

Only with glasses, of course.

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Ooo-kay. TMI there, possibly. Moving on.

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For ironsgold: Recently I figured out another English expression that Ransom understands. - “Come on. Let’s go.” - And, no, it’s not that he’s reading my body language and reacting to it. I’ve tested it when we’re at the dog park or in the field (field tested - ha!) and when I say it, he trots directly over to the gate even if I’m 10, 20, or even 50 feet away. And then he turns his head around and looks at me.

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The crape myrtles are GORGEOUS this season! I don’t recall ever noticing them like this before. I am going to have to remember to take my digital camera (after replacing the batteries I snagged from it for my portable cd player) some day and capture this beauty for posterity. I may then do a “Look at the pretty colors!” picspam - as opposed to the more typical “Look at the Pretty!” kind that permeates lj.

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Speaking of picspams I mean/t to do… I have probably four or five Random Holiday Picspams that never were completed. I’ve been thinking about finishing them (I’ve already done all the work to find the images, download, etc), backdating, and then making a new post with links to them. What say you? yay or nay?

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Off to real life again.

I know I owe comments. I will get to them in due time.

Have a great holiday weekend, all!

my life, thoughts, me, nice day, movies, random

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