A Picture's Worth 350,000 Calories

Aug 23, 2006 15:24

I know I've been doing a lot of this lately, and I know I owe a bunch of people comments and I know some of you are probably "Omigosh, Raligh, shuddup!" - But I have to do it AGAIN!

So, back on August 9th I gleefully posted a report of my three-pound weight loss in a single week, with accompanying images for visual representation of said loss ( Read more... )

woo! hoo!, weight loss countdown, small successes

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carpedi7 August 23 2006, 22:40:21 UTC
You are so funny, I adore you.


r_a_l_i_g_h August 24 2006, 01:21:02 UTC
I adore you too! - but would you mind telling me what specifically is so amusing? I've had three or four people talk about me being funny. Is it the giant chocolate? The juxaposition of baby and bowling ball? The idea of my face having the same expression as the eager fisherman? (For the first few hours it pretty much did!) It's pretty much standard reaction to my way of thinking. (Which, may be why people are finding it so funny, come to think of it.)


carpedi7 August 24 2006, 01:31:48 UTC
I think it was that you went through the time to find all kinds of things that were 10 lbs. Not to mention the bowling ball cracked me up. The big ass chocolate bar made me laugh too. I love your posts that mention random holidays and stuff like this, it just brings a smile to my face. :)


r_a_l_i_g_h August 24 2006, 02:18:19 UTC
Heh. Not only did I search for images of ten-pound things, but searched for things that were the same as the things in my three-pound things picspam, and put them in the same order. Because I'm obsessive and insane like that.

The big ass chocolate bar made me laugh too. Me too. Go read the page where I got the picture from. It's very amusing. ( Dorm Room Fun With a Sugar High and a Digital Camara)

I'm glad you enjoy the randomness. That's, pretty much what my brain is like for a good 4-8 hours of the day.


carpedi7 August 24 2006, 02:36:55 UTC
Well, the randomness of our brains is another thing that we have in common, only I don't have the discipline to go and find random things to post. I'll check on that site soon, I'm in the middle of writing out like 50 invitations for my friend Sarah's going away party. I may post a bit later with a link to the invitation I wound up making. I like it and it fits the theme. :)


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