Once Upon A Dream...

Jul 19, 2006 20:41

Okay, so I had this rather long and detail-filled dream this morning (by which I mean before 4:00 a.m., 'cause I have been up since then).

I was planning on posting a recap at some point. But then helpwess made her Ultimate Mary Sue Fantasy Share-a-thon Post this morning AND, OMIGOSH, IT WAS FATE!

Although my dream was totally the work of my subconcious and therefore not a true Mary Sue fantasy. (although the unexpectedness kind of made it more awesome)

I enjoyed it very muchly and helpwess's journal is the only place I have yet shared it.

Okay, so dream: well, it had started out as kind of this epic live-action Disney movie fairy tale kind of story. There was me and my sisters (who weren't really my sisters but were perhaps the girls from Charmed or a few of my flisters who I cannot recall now or some random combination of both - this is not the main point of my dream.) and there were our love interests and this was obviously the end part of the movie because we were all paired up and happy. (don't ask me what happened in the rest, or even if I dreamed it, 'cause I don't know)

Anyway, the reason that I suspect my sister-persons in this dream might have been from Charmed at some point, is because early on, MY love interest had a distinct resemblance to this, only, you know, dressed more along the lines of this (but without the silly hat).

And there was something with a cat. A talking cat who had this weird attraction-hatred thing with me and we had some sort of personality differences and anyway I spent much of that part dealing with this cat and his issues which is why I am unsure about the appearance of my love interest at this time.

But THEN...Then the scene suddenly kinda shifted and whatever had been that cat's deal he was gone now. And my sisters and future brothers-in-laws had wandered off into the castle for a feast or whatever it is people do when they wander offstage in a fairy tale type story like that.

So it was just me and Love Interest, who at THIS point in time was starting to greatly resemble, was practically played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

He was all dark and mysterious but with this hidden humor just under the surface and this entirely PERFECT little smile adorably perking at the corner of his mouth and in his eyes. (and dressed in some sort of dark-colored embroidered doublet with slashed sleeves)

Anyway, we were there and for some reason I was being kind of playful and all at once suddenly acting very unimpressed with him, in the "I'm not so sure I'm all that interested in you, after all. In fact, I think there maybe something frightfully more interesting then you over in...this direction" while flouncing by to give him the best view of your dress and your hair and force him to come chase after you. (Yes, I actually "flounced" in this dream)

And he totally knew what I was doing and was trying to act like he was refusing to rise to the bait (but was totally loving it). And he followed me out to this little alcove that was - well, it was kind of like a belfry on the ground - four stone archways opening into the middle space (the two side openings continued on into longer passageways). There was this large rope hanging down into that area that was this swing where you stand on the knot/board at the bottom.

I was swinging back and forth (in and out of the lengthwise passageway arches) and he was leaning up alongside the back opening. (And I was deliberately gazing intently in the OTHER direction - out down the hillside and over the [admitedly very pretty] countryside [my subconcious sure does how to scout locations])

And he suddenly just kinda *grins* and all of sudden reaches out and grabs me up as I swing by. And he pulls me into the little archway and holds me up against him very close (so I don't wobble on the swing, you know ;p ) And there is kissing and snuggles and sweet nothings and it is very nice.

Then he lets me loose and I kinda swing back - not really swinging out, more spinning about in place. And I kinda push off with my foot to see if he'll let me go back to playing that game. And he just kinda leans there with laughter hiding in his curled lips and hooded eyes.

So I push off harder and really swing out past him him in a big swoosh. And then he really *GRINS* (I mean, his whole face lit up with this flash) and moves out and nabs me as I start to come back by on the return sweep.

And there is another little interlude in the archway, this time with more chuckling and whispering. And when he lets me slip this time, he stretches out his arm and keeps at least the tips of one of his big, broad hands curled around the small of my back, so no matter where I am in the arc of my swing, I am never out of his touch.

And we pan out to the birds twittering amongst the apple blossoms overhead and ... that's about the time I woke up.

But it was a VERY pleasant dream. Basically, last night I was in love in a fantasy-perfect location for an indeterminate period of time. It was nice.

Although I'm still not sure what was up with that cat.

dreams, fangirl-y, supernatural, welcome to my brain, random

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