Random Fandom Meme

Jun 02, 2006 19:58


I still am not going to be around much, but I'm trying to at least poke into other people's journals more regularly.

Note, I copied this meme from someone or another’s flist and filled it out many months ago, back when we were in the middle of the season, I just never got around to posting it. As you know, my posting has been sketchy at best this year. So, I added to my answers to reflect the second half of the season. Recent comments are in brackets.

1- Veronica Mars
3- Prison Break
4- Supernatural
5- Stargate SG1
6- Firefly

1. Who is your favorite character from...2?
Ducky’s mother! Regular cast member? Probably Abby. [Still true, although, I kinda adore both Gibbs and Tony, especially after the finale]

2. Who is your least favorite character from...4?
EvilMeg the DemonSpawn. [Yeah, still true. The Semi of DOOM is way up there on the Hate list.]

3. What would a crossover between...1 and...5 include?
Hmmm. [Okay, here’s probably part of why I didn’t post - I never answered this one. Let’s see…unless one of the recent graduates joins the Air Force, (I really can’t see any of the going there - except, maybe Wallace?) the most likely crossover would be SG-1 coming to Neptune. We could have actual snakeheads show up, or I can go with the tried-and-true fanfic route of “rich local funds museum display, which includes objects of Goa’uld (or other) origin. SG-1 comes to check it out” Veronica is doing story for school paper, gets curious, pokes her nose in, maybe Mac tries to hack the SGC database, etc.]

4. Who is your favorite ship from ..6?
Serenity!! Hee, okay, Zoe/Wash. [Which, really, is about the ONLY canon ‘ship I truly ‘ship.

I still hold by the “Serenity” comment though.]

5. If you were to set one person from ..3 and one person from ..6 on a blind date, who would they be?
River and Michael would be funny. [Geeze, some SERIOUS non-sequitors and unsettling staring going on there, huh?] Ooo! Or Simon and Sara meet up in the bar or lobby after a medical conference! Yeah, I like that one.

6. If you could meet one person from ..4 and spend the day with them, who would it be, and what would you do?
No fair! I want to hang with BOTH brothers! [I still really can’t pick. I mean, I’m TOTALLY a Dean-girl, but both of them together would be so much fun! We wouldn’t even have to do anything! I’d just sit in the backseat of the Impala and listen to them banter and fight over music and junkfood and maps. Or watch them clean guns! Ooooo! No! I’d make it be a training day! I’d watch them go through training exercises - and SPAR! Yeah.]

7. If you could change one thing about ..2's plotline, what would you change?
I’m a fairly recent fan, not too familiar with anything pre-Ari’s arrival last year. Plus, the last new episode was TOTALLY an answer to everything I’ve had problems with this season, so, I’m good for now. [That was the school-bomb-hostage episode, basically something I requested MONTHS before (carped17 can back me up on that) and, really, the finale was all that ONLY SO MUCH MORE SO. I’m good. (As long as YOU-KNOW-WHAT is a temporary situation.)]

8. Explain a relationship between two people (not necessarily romantic) from show ..5, and why you like the relationship between them?
Well, for me the obvious relationship here is Jack and Daniel. And, no, I do not see them as romantic. [Okay, I didn’t explain why I like them. Well, for me, the show IS about them. And, I don’t know, I’ve never tried to put it into words before. I just love seeing these two men, complete opposites, each with their own dark pasts, tragedies, “issues” - bound together by shared experiences, goals, respect, and this deep love that they don’t really understand and certainly have no clue how to deal with or express. I know almost no one on my flist watches, but it’s extremely similar to the Winchesters relationship, only with no blood ties.

Which is why this fandom even beats out Supernatural for the slashiness running rampant. - (No, seriously, one of the major fanfic archives contains - 665 Gen stories and 1974 Slash stories. - Only 117 Het, even though there has always been at least one female among the main cast, and even canonical relationships at times - make of that what you will.)]

9. If the lead title characters (first name in the credits) from ..1 and ..3 were both drowning, and you could only save one, who would it be?
That would probably be Veronica. Michael’s just going to have to find a flotation device on his tattoo. [Except, the first name in the PB credits is Dominic, isn’t it? So, let me rethink this quickly. I think I’ll make smidgy06 happy and jump out of the lifeboat myself so the two of them can meet and get started on their relationship. (Send the Mounties to come bail me out, okay, Smidge?)]

10. If you could change the title characters' order in the credits for ..4, what order would you choose?
There aren’t credits order, are there? It’s just “22 years ago…” and previously clips. Besides, it’s the two of them, as said before, I like me BOTH Winchesters. [Although, JP’s name is listed before JA’s, I think. Ah, whatever. As long as they have both the boys, and the Metallicar - and at least one fanvid-style credits, ala Wayward Son once a season, I will be very, very happy.]

11. If you were able to add a new character, any kind of character you wanted, to the storyline for ..6, what would the character be like and what would their role be?
We’re ignoring the BDM completely, right? Regardless, I think I’m going to go the obvious and sappy 12-year-old fangirl route, and say that I’d really have liked the show to be around long enough for a little Baby Alleyne-Washburn to have made an appearance.

12. What happens in your favorite episode of show ..2?
Huh, well, I guess that would be the last episode, since it was my special request. Gibbs gets himself in a hostage situation and Tony takes charge. [That would be the episode Bait which aired almost two months after I made this comment. Although, I have to say, this finale was one of the most satisfying two-hours of visual storytelling I have ever experienced. SO MUCH excellent character and relationship stuff.]

13. If you could kill off one of the characters of ..1, who would it be and how would you do it?
I know who it WOULDN’T be…Golly, haven’t enough people died this season? Does it have to be a main cast character? I’m going to have to go with Jackie. How? Um, ritual sacrifice? (unless Beaver goes all darkside and does something evil and painful to Dick.) [Heh. Okay, again, this was written in mid-late March, so - prophetic words, I guess? I have to tell you though, at that point, I was seriously afraid they were going to off Weevil, so I was mostly repressing and denying any spec in that direction.]

14. If you got the chance to visit the set for either show ..3 or show ..5, which would you choose?
Stargate, ‘cause Canada!

15. So, I saved the best question for last. If you could date anyone from any of these shows, who would it be?
Oh, come on. I have a TV boyfriend or girlfriend on EVERY SINGLE ONE!

[I really do….and, actually, that should be another post in and of itself.

For now, let’s just say that all but one of my Top Five TV Boyfriends and two of my Top Five TV Girlfriends are included in these shows. And that’s mainly because two of the shows they come from are no longer running. And the third I only ever watch because of my character crush.]

Whew! Long and rambling and fangirly. Yep, that's me.

stargate, fandom, supernatural, sg1, prison break, memes, ncis, fangirl-y, tv, vmars, random, firefly

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