My Brain is Completely Criss-Crossed with Fandoms

May 20, 2006 16:40

So I'm watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (I just love those movies) and, you know how Indy's dad has that Grail diary? With all the pictures and maps and riddles?

Well, thanks to that I now suddenly have this inexplicable urge for Supernatural/Indiana Jones crossovers.

Think about it - raised by a widowed father with an overwhelming obsession that appears insane and fanciful to outsiders. Taught all sorts of arcane lore including dead languages and ancient religions and artifacts. Showing a predilection for hair-raising adventures that involve mystical forces, smirking, wisecracks, hitting on chicks, and wearing leather jackets. Growing apart from the somewhat distant and imposing bearded father figure (even though still jumping to his commands with a near-Pavlovian response). Being dragged back into his obsessive quest when he goes MISSING and leaves you his nearly-sacred leather-bound BOOK in which he has recorded his entire life's worth of searching and answers.


(Huh, it's no wonder I like both of these fandoms, is it?)

Someone needs to do this. Like now.

fandom, supernatural, welcome to my brain, pondering, crossover

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