Belated Birthday Post

Feb 21, 2006 23:35

Although it's a little late, Happy, Happy Birthday (and birthWEEK) Ironsgold!!

To atone for the delay, I give you:

Puppy Picspam! Not just puppy picspam, but GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPY PICSPAM!

WARNING: Excessive cuddliness and adorableosity follows. People with hard hearts should not enter.

The thing about Goldens, is they're so highstrung. It makes them hard to get along with other animals.

(See what I mean?)

NOTHING beats a Golden when it comes to cuddling!

Because it is simply TOO adorable, some Golden mommies and their babies.

(Oh, that poor dear! I count at least 11!)

Goldens are playful...

...and silly...

Who says cats are the only ones who take silly belly-up naps?

(I bet you $5, somebody on the other side of that table is holding FOOD.)

But Goldens are probably best known for how much they love WATER...

...and BALLS...and Golden Heaven.

Even baby Goldens know that water bowls are for playing in and sitting in.

Because the only thing sweeter than an adorable Goden puppy, is a Golden who has loved you for his or her entire life.

Happy (belated) Birthday, Irons, hope Maggie and Tess gave your lots of Golden lovin'!

To cap off this EXTREMELY long and fluffy post, I give you GRP icons:

Everybody on my flist who is NOT Irons: Have you had a bad day? need a hug or a smile or just something fluffy? Click above!

fluff!, *hugs*, birthdays, puppy!, picspam, puppyspam, feel-good

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