Nov 22, 2005 00:55

I caught bits and pieces during airtime, and could tell that there was some MAJOR stuff going down. Rewatched in its entireity, and here's what I have to say.

What job was that supposed to be Michael was interviewing for?

Ah, poor LJ. Even if he is the brains of the consipracy truth-seekers, he IS just a kid. I can't believe they left his mom's casket just standing out there, unsupervised, though.

HOW did they check into the hospital? Were there no forms, no need for ID, credit cards, insurance? Surely even VERONICA is aware by now that those things can be and are being traced.

(Oh, and how did she pull the bullet out of his shoulder? With her nails? And then had not a drop of blood on her hands or clothes?)

Enough about them, none of us really cares about what goes on on the outside, do we?

When T-Bag was talking on the phone, I got creeped out in several different ways - one, it was so surreal to hear T-Bag praising an attractive little boy without the tounge-wiggling manner, two, I realized that they were setting it up to make me feel for T-Bag.

You, know, Kellerman is delightfully evil, and Quinn was enjoyable while he lasted, but I think we may have underestimated just what Bellick has to offer. I mean the guy is positively GLOWING with this opportunity to swagger and throw his weight around, concocting evil plans.

When/if my prediction of Pope in the dead pool (or at least unseated) comes about, I can't WAIT to see what Bellick the Warden can bring to the table.

I can't figure out C-Note yet. I wish we knew more about him. (And what was with those Iraq postcards, anyway?)

I SO called Maricruz pregnant! And, oh, I like emotionally agitated Sucre - all tense and leaning in his tight, white shirt.

Aw! for the fist bump!

(You know, I think Michael genuinely likes Sucre as a friend. Granted, he's not going to let it get in the way, but I don't think he's simply using him - not anymore.)

And double Aw! for the babyname list!

(And, uh, Michael, with all your honing in on minutae, you'd think the fact that the guy who spends 90% of the time less than arm's reach away from you is wrestling some giant internal dilimmas and actually MAKING WRITTEN LISTS would not escape your notice.)

Would the watch guard (hee! "watch guard") REALLY remember the name of the exact prisoner he stole one specific item from? Especially if he was doing it all the time? I guess it WAS a "solid gold watch."

I love how slightly stunned Bellick seemed after hearing about that - like he can't believe there might actually be a LEGITIMATE reason for him to be gunning for Scofield.

Abruzzi. Okay, I totally didn't call it, but I should have been able to. If only by process of ellimination. The cut guy can't be Michael or Linc for obvious reasons; C-Note and Westmoreland haven't even started fulfilling their roles yet, that leaves the other three, and although I wanted T-Bag to die, I didn't think he would.

(Wanted him to die in a "any person this evil HAS to die" way, not in a "get rid of this character" way)

Also, even without his nutso-chosen-one routine, Abruzzi was pretty clearly marked for the end. He had a clean, unstained, long sleeve white shirt, his hair looked almost clean, and sunlight seemed to chasing him around.

I have to go back to the outside for a little while. Was Kellerman using a cane? Why?

And Hale, poor, poor Hale. Not only do the curtains in your house look like they belong in a hotel, but you are now Sweeps Target Number One. You've even passed up Nick, something I didn't think was possible after he turned out not to be evil last week. Oh, and standing alone, in a dark and rainy alley, siloueted against the light, in the preview is NOT a good way to increase your chances of surviving. As a matter of fact, given the propensity for people in your position to bite it JUST as they're opening their mouths to release a key piece of evidence, for a moment there, while I thought you were going to reveal something over the phone, I wondered if sweet Mrs. Hale was going to gut shoot you from behind. (What can I say, I have a twisted imagination?)

Tweener is REALLY going to become a prison snitch for a generic no-name burger and the chance at some cold fries? At least Michael is smart enough to keep his rescuer impulse stay free of the job to be done.

I like Westmoreland and Michael together. I know I've said it before, but I do. I could totally see them forming this repoir on the outside. Like, if Westmoreland had been one of the contacts Michael had established to research his job - a wise old con who was finally released after years on the inside.

I also like seeing a glimpse of ToughGuy Westmoreland - even his voice changed. You know he had to have something like that inside to have come through this long, but it was nice to see it.

Which brings us to T-Bag. Wow. I still don't know what to think about his brother and nephew(?) I mean, I assume it really is his brother's child. But that little blond kid looked so out of place and ungenetically linked to the brother, I wondered for a moment if it was some poor kidnap victim T-bag never got around to finishing off. Especially after the purported father allegedly used him as a sheild. (Like I said, I have a twisted mind.)

However, T-Bag seemed genuinely effected (Oh! I just realized something! He seemed kinda wary even before the warden showed up - I bet he was thinking that they knew about his killing Bob! That Westmoreland had sold him out to get him off the escape.) by the news.

And that last scene between them, WHOA. Are they actually making me SYMPATHIZE, with T-BAG? And then the casual slitting of the throat. The complete shift in attitude, voice, posture. Which is the real T-Bag? Where does the role stop and the real feeling begin?

A thought, do the others KNOW that Abruzzi's people eliminated T-Bag's threat on the outside?

Finally, Lincoln. Ah, Linc, you know I love you, but WHAT WERE YOU DOING? (I certainly know you weren't "thinking" anything) Don't make me start thinking you passed all your remaining facilities onto LJ on that cell call. To be fair, I think you KNEW it was a bad idea, you just also knew you couldn't think of anything else. (That little "Oy" before you swung when you thought about just HOW STUPID THAT WAS.)

Poor Michael Scofield. He finally gets down the pipe and they board it up. There he is sitting with this look of "I shouldn't even be SURPRISED at this sort of thing anymore" and they let him back up - for unfixable news.

(Although, is it? I mean, how were they going to get Linc out of death row and into the escape route? Is the SHU really that much harder? At least there won't be other prisoners that can see them there.)

One more preview note - who is that Linc is kissing? I'd guess Veronica, but the split second cap doesn't look much like her.

And I lied, ONE more - That was a nifty tunnel-cam shot of the five escapees standing around the opening.

Okay, it got fairly long and ramblely. I can't believe we only have one more new episdoe and then a LOOOOOONG hiatus.

fangirl-y, tv, prison break, episode reactions

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