No Lazy Sunday

Sep 04, 2005 13:11

So, I'm making a quick post, then it's off to the gym. I have to meet my friend downtown at 3:30 (just more than two hours from now).

The Oklahoma Emergency Information Office has set up a hotline for local people to call and find out how they can help the hurricane survivors, both here and in NOLA, (There are more than 250 refugees living here in Oklahoma City already!) and they need volunteers to work the phone banks. Although, since I'm in public relations, they said they may put me in the news room to field questions from the media.

Anyway, got to get my daily workout in before that. (the gym doesn't open until 1:00 on Sundays)

By the way, it was SO hard to go to the gym yesterday afternoon. If I'd just been coming home at the end, it wouldn't have been a big deal. But I knew I had to get all ready and go back out. And I was already all clean, and my hair looked great and my makeup was still fresh. I dreaded getting all hot and sticky only to redo all that in just a hour or two. But I felt so good when I did go, even though I only got 30 minutes on the eliptical machine.

Well, I'm running short on time for a full hour today, so I'm leaving

exercise, hurricane

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