So what becomes of all these lists anyway?

Nov 09, 2005 12:25

Some of you may be wondering whether I actually accomplish anything or just spend all my time making lists. Here is your answer.

28 Things in 48 Hours - progress report

Or, 23 things I got done this weekend
2 things daily
Tone Undone, but my month trial expired Friday, which I forgot. I have called another place to find out what they have available.
Exercise Other then some basic stretches, undone. I fail.

6 things before 8:30 tomorrow morning
Finish brochure Check! - and it's been edited, revised, and ordered, too!
Buy necklace Didn't find one I liked Friday night - although I did go shopping for it - Found two on Sunday.
Practice presentation Although, granted, not very much
Press clothes Although, maybe a 80-90% cotton shirt wasn't the best choice for travel clothing.
Clean house for guests I fail here, too. I did like 5% maybe.

8 things tomorrow
Team meeting First one there at 9:00am! (other then the leader, of course)
Presentation rehearsal And I'm just a little bit over my time
Team pictures and they actually look pretty good! There's one where I don't even look 9' taller than everybody else! (Of course, we're on a slope, and I'm standing a little bit lower than they are! Hee.)
(and, yes, that is supposed to be "9 feet" up there. I actually AM 9 inches taller than some of them!)
Itinerary info Check! and I've already posted about that.
Brochure approval/ordering
Other (scheduling, farewell banquet planning, etc) Yep. (These meetings take FOREVER!)
Eid / Dewalli festival Check. VERY cool. I need to post about it.
Visit with out of town friends (?) Briefly, but I did it!

6 things that are TOP priority
Pick up prescription
Shop for needed trip clothing (coupons are good for Nov. 3rd-5th ONLY) Pants and necklaces!
Schedule hair appointment AND final touch-up right before trip Although, I didn't do it until today! Haircut is Saturday.
Price and order host gifts (only a few weeks left for delivery!) STILL a top priority, but hasn't been finished yet
Compare camera prices & order (ditto!) Again, ditto. Although, I've done some very good research. I'm pretty sure I will be ordering tonight.
Research extra battery/charger/memory card info Well, except for memory card, that I'll just get as ad upgrade with the camera, I think.

2 non-profit items I am WAY behind on (there are many more, but these I absolutely HAVE to do this weekend!)
Spreadsheets!!! (only 3 1/2 months behind!!!) Started, at least? (MUST do!)
Write first draft of website page content Begun. Not due until THIS weekend. I also spent two or three hours on the financials last night. So check to that, even though it wasn't on the list.

4 things I WANT to do (and, to be honest, most likely WILL)
Catch up on lj flist and comments Sorta kinda, not really. Of course, when is one ever REALLY caught up with this?
Watch last night’s Without a Trace Check. And unlike the previous week, this didn't leave me hating people in general. (And I like Spanish!Speaking!Danny!)
Watch Saturday night’s SciFi reruns (Farscape and Stargate - even without cable!)
Watch ConAir (that may wait until late Sunday or Monday) Did NOT do! Was busy doing things until late and kept deciding to go to bed rather than stay up until 2 or 3 for a movie I've seen before. So I took it back unviewed last night. See how mature and responsible and self-sacrificing I am?

progress report, india, to-do list, india trip, preperation, countdown, gse

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