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Comments 6

bostonben November 7 2005, 03:35:45 UTC
hmm. I'll put up something similar in my journal, so you'll see. Good luck with all that!


r_a_l_i_g_h November 7 2005, 16:59:10 UTC
Yay! I have an inordinate fondness for reading lists and standard diary-type entries (i.e. weather, meals, hourly breakdown of activities). Don't know why.


daynr November 7 2005, 04:14:54 UTC
Hee, lists are good.


r_a_l_i_g_h November 7 2005, 17:17:06 UTC
I LOVE lists!

I make lists for all sorts of things, not just to-do lists. Likes, dislikes, goals, ideas, possible children's names, things I want in a man, hobbies I'd like to start, things I'd like to learn, places I want to go... Then weeks, months, years later, I find them and it's very interesting.


daynr November 7 2005, 16:43:26 UTC
I should be finishing up my memo, not writing here.

But you're ever so much fun.


r_a_l_i_g_h November 7 2005, 16:55:47 UTC
(Ooo, intense, over-the-shoulder-looking, pouty-lipped Jensen icon! Me like.)

I'm glad my lists are fun. I'm big on lists.

Before you go, could you give me a boot? 'Cause it's already 11:00 here and so VERY few of those things have even been begun.

Thanks kindly.


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