Good News Report!

Nov 06, 2005 19:26

So, I went to the mall today, New York & Company specifically. I wanted to use the coupons I got at our team shopping excursion. (They were only good for this weekend.)

I got four pairs of slacks - 2 black, 1 gray, 1 khaki, and two necklaces - 1 multi-strand silver one with these little filagree, shiny balls on it, 1 black and silver, long necklace with different size and texture balls along the thin chain. All for less than $100 after coupons and sales!


The pants were size 16!! (one was 18) Granted, they were Talls, but they were also "Stretch" which generally is about 1/2 size smaller than the full sizes.

The 16s are just a smidge too tight across the midsection (kinda pooch at the side pockets) BUT they did fit! And I can certainly have them fitting right in three weeks!!!


(Oh, and did I mention that when I got weighed at the asthma/allergy doctor it was SIX POUNDS less than the last time I measured myself [a month or so ago]? Well, it was!)

small steps, weight loss countdown, new clothes, good news

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