Veronica Mars (Again)

Oct 03, 2005 15:16

I finally rewatched NitW last night. And I noticed something I hadn't seen before.

Everybody's been talking about the themes for this season: haves vs. have nots, angst for everyone, especially Logan. Yes, the title of the premiere says "Normal" but everything in the episode screamed the opposite.

One little thing I saw that I haven't seen anyone comment on. Weevil's tattoo. We get a really nice, long slo-mo shot of it when Veronica is walking down the hallway talking about choosing sides.

In case you can't read it that clearly, it says "The Good Must Suffer." This example picture is actually a promo shot from last year, so he's always had it.

I'd like to know whether it's a real one or a stick-on like the "Lilly"-heart. In either case, I wonder if playing it up in that shot, was supposed to underline that things are NOT going to get easier for Veronica?

my tv, tv, my shows, spec, vmars, random

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