India Prep and Thoughts

Sep 25, 2005 17:20

I had this nice long post written up about all the stuff I did yesterday and thoughts behind that came from it. And then it disappeared and I am not interested in rewriting it because I kind of feel like I would come across as a jerk for one little comment I made, but I still want to get some of it off my chest.

We have to make presentations to local Rotary clubs during our visit to India. Because we don't know how much time or what equipment will be available at each place, we have to create both long and short talks, both with and without PowerPoint.

Yesterday we went over what each of us is preparing for the first time. That's why I was up at 5am, putting mine together. (and here's a some of the part where I'm afraid of coming off as a jerk) Even though I know that several of them have been preparing photos and text and stuff since before our last meeting two weeks ago, it certainly looked like I was further along than most of them - both in the layout/material of my slides and the content/order of what I was going to say.

I think I could have winged it fairly well if the rest of them were already at the stage where they were practicing their speech (which I kinda was afraid they were). Granted, I was already familiar with some of my stuff, but then again, each of their presentations are also based off their own field of work.

I guess I was kind of surprised. Maybe it's because I've been doing stuff like this - with speeches, PowerPoint, brochures, etc - for years, and it was SOP in just about every class. But I just thought, - I didn't expect this to have much the same feel as when I was planning a group presentation back in school, where I felt like I was the one most focused or understanding of what we were trying to do and secretly grateful that we were getting individual grades. (and, there it goes again, I'm really not trying to sound like a jerk.)

What I'm trying to say is, even though I've always been amazed at how people are so different - how somebody really enjoys, I don't know, being a lawyer, or breaking down a chemical formula, or measuring minute equations for hours each day, - I guess I never thought that MY interests and talents might be the same thing.

I have often been in awe at somebody who love to do things that I either have no interest or skills to do - computer programming, or surgery, for example, - I guess I just took it for granted that my particular skill set was general knowledge. "Liberal Arts," you know. Nothing particularly special or difficult.

It's odd to think different. To have someone on the team say "Oh, we can really use (raligh) for this," Or "(raligh), I have a feeling you're going to come in handy."

I don't know if any of that makes sense, but I wanted to get it out.

india, thoughts, india trip, part of my journey

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