Day # 1 - Veronica Mars

Feb 01, 2010 10:56

Fabulous Fictional Females Fandom Fiesta February Day 1 - Veronica Mars.

In a month I intend to dedicate to our favorite, fantastic, fabulous, fictional females, there was really only one I could begin with.

As I said last year: Veronica Mars was made for this sort of meme.

She's smart, sassy, snarky, funny, brave, determined, loyal, not willing to be sidelined by anyone or anything, talented, creative, and above all else, REAL.

Sure, there were issues with some of the character development and plot lines in the latter part of the series. But let's celebrate and remember her for what she was and for what she gave to all of us.

I mean, even the theme song still gives me a happy fannish shiver.

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Veronica Mars.

It's hard to determine the exact moment she stole my heart. (I tend to point to the pilot scene in the Camelot parking lot - (Veronica on stakeout. The rumbling bikes of the PCHers. "Car trouble, miss?" "Backup, chill!" The introduction of the tazer. ... and then of course that scene also kicks off into a flashback that provides powerful emotional backstory.))


Veronica Mars is one of the rare shows that I not only recall the first episode I saw, and my emotions and thoughts during my first viewing, but I can also recall the experience of that entire first season. The anticipation and enjoyment week by week, falling for the characters and chasing after the plotlines.

I still remember falling in love.

And, yes, I'm aware how incredibly lame and cheesy that sounds, but I've never had a fandom experience like Veronica Mars - before or since. And I don't think I'm alone in that.

For those of us who were there back in the very beginning, watching a show about a tiny blonde spitfire - on UPN, of all things! - and then later in the VM4 and such, - I think "falling in love" is a pretty accurate way to describe what it was like.


And I still love her, Veronica Mars, (both the show and the character) dearly, flaws and all.

I think I'd forgotten for a while, but while "researching" to make this post, it all came back.

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Oh man. *sigh* Do I ever miss her.

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What do you miss/love most about Ms. Mars?

*hugs*, veronica mars, my tv, clips, tv girlfriends, f5, less-than-three, youtube, meta, memes, tv, fangirl-y, i watch too much blahblahbleebloo, awesome!, my show

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