
Nov 19, 2007 21:37

This first part is kind of a general reaction to the last few episodes overall since I haven’t really posted/talked about them:

How much do I love that Heroes is awesome again?


The following is pretty much real-time reactions starting during the first - no, second - commercial break.

Okay, so I was giving Moran-hinder the benefit of the doubt, on the off chance that his selling out of Bennett in favor of trusting The Company was another ploy in the line of “Huh? What? I’m in Haiti?” from the premiere. But it’s clearly not. So…we’re on the outs for the indefinite future for now.

Oooh, Parkman. I really shouldn’t like you somewhat more for that. (Well, not “like” but certainly enjoy your character more.)

“He goes to school with Claire. I know where that is! -*Umph!*” Hee!

“You know him?”
“He was the Regional Sales Manager of Primatech Paper!”

... “Did you pack Mr. Muggles’s doggie bath?”

Ooooie! Our wonderful, horrible, scary, love-‘em/hate-‘em, marvelous Bad. Ass. HRG is totally, brilliantly, 100% BACK y’all!!!!
(which is only making me more and more and MORE nervous about what they may choose to do with the abruptly shortened season finale cliffhanger!)

“They say girls tend to find boys just like their dads”
“’Cause he can fly?”
Heh. What’s funny? I didn’t even think of that! Mr. Bennett is so totally her Dad to me, I didn’t even make that connection there until he said it.

Aw, Hiro and Little Hiro. With the glasses and the finger poking.

Of COURSE it’s Taekeo Kensai! I could have told you that, Hiro! WEEKS ago!

(Is it just me, or does it seem like this season there are a lot of “reveals” and outcomes that we all knew - or at least ‘knew’ - long before?

Then again, last season had a lot of that, too, I guess. Niki/Jessica as split personality, Nathan as Claire’s biological father, the nature of Peter’s ability, Mama and Papa Patrelli having powers, etc.)

Ooookay, Parkman? When I said that experimenting with your stronger powers made me more interested in your character, I didn’t exactly mean for you to go all darkside with it (I mean, come on, you’re frightening Mama Patrelli here!) - Then again, your doing this finally gets us some FREAKIN’ ANSWERS FOR ONCE … so, I’m conflicted.

(ETA: Also? We can now see how he could become the besuited coldhearted evil government thug of the future in last year's Five Years Later. That's been in him all along.)

“Nobody has to die.” Claire, you really don’t know your father yet, do you? I really kind of like it that it’s the good guys who are continually underestimating/misunderstanding HRG, and it’s the bad guys who really get him - and know he’s not to be messed around with. Keeps him scary and awesome in his very unique way.

And, good, he took blood from her. (well, not “good,” but…you know) I would have been ticked off if he didn’t at least do that before handing her back over.

So Mohinder really is truly now one of The Company’s people? That’s… really interesting potential for development, actually.

Hee! She (Claire) is even shorter than Veronica Mars! That’s saying something! (Of course, I think Kristin Bell has heels on there and Hayden Panitierre does not, but still. A couple of pocket-size blondes, is what I’m saying.

[Now, if The Company should suddenly hear of a new Hero, a pie-maker with the ability to raise the dead… in such a crossover, (an all singing! all dancing! crossover! - I insist!!) our collection of itty-bitty, cute and perky, larger-than-life in attitude and spunk blondies would be complete.)


I mean, yes, I know, the picture-prophecy, it had to come true somehow. But I still can’t believe THEY JUST KILLED MR. BENNETT!!!!!!!


I mean, yeah, “dead” isn’t necessarily something that can be “healed” but, still, IT’S WORTH A TRY!!!! YOU CAN’T JUST LEAVE HIM THERE!!!!!!

(How are they going to fix this? I mean, I know they have to fix this. They MUST fix this. They wouldn’t leave HRG’s death as permanent/potentially-permanent cliffhanger with two episodes remaining. Or maybe I’m just willing it to be so.)

Mmm, I’m liking this closing montage. I’m missing a lot of it because of trying to get down my reactions up above, and, you know, - I don’t understand Japanese. But I like where it seems to be going with the “my Father made me what I am” thin- OOHHH!

Annnnnnnnd it happened again.

Heroes impacted me to the point of expressing myself in stronger language than I use. Actually say it outloud.

Which, granted, I don’t use strong language. At all. Not even typed in this journal, really. (And, honestly, it’s barely PG-13-rated “strong” [ok, fine, I cast dispersions on the legitimacy of their birth…several times] - but still, that’s something for me. But Heroes has left me with no other vocabulary to emote. Like, almost a full HALF of the times I’ve said something like that out loud has been in response to something/someone on Heroes. Happened three times now. In this case, it was towards The Company re: the ending, Mr. Bennett, et all.] The other two times were directed to Mr. Bennett himself, and an early S1 Nathan when I took a sudden “hate” swoop in my forming impressions of the character)

I mean, I realized a while back that one of the (many) ways they could arrange to have the picture come true and yet NOT kill off Mr. Bennett (have the scene take place in an alternate future timeline, have it actually be someone ELSE with glasses that we all mistook, have it be Candace or another shapeshifter in his form, etc) and the most probable, given this season's focus on healing/expansion and evolution of powers - would be for Claire to heal him. And, as you can see above, I didn't forget about that possibility.

- I just was so busy reacting to it actually HAPPENING ... I forgot all about THE BLOOD! Until it appeared on screen. Then I had my outburst.

ETA: Oh yeah. And Mohinder? We're through.

(I will feed you to Sylar myself.)



What a ride.

my tv, my shows, *flails*, ahhhhh!, sqeee!, heroes, tv, fangirl-y, awesome!, episode reactions

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