Monday, Monday

Jun 25, 2007 15:03

So, for entertainment now that it's hiatus season I am a)catching up on fanfic and b)watching shows I haven't seen before.

Spent much of the weekend with the former. I'd kind of forgotten how much fun that can be. Both in a really good "wish-this-was-an-episode" way and in a really bad "you-have-GOT-to-be-KIDDING-me!" way.

With that in mind, here is Raligh's Fanfic Vocabulary Word of the Day
peripatetic (pĕr'ə-pə-tĕt'ĭk)
adj 1. Walking about or from place to place; traveling on foot.
n. 1. One who walks from place to place; an itinerant.

Also, relating to the latter - Anyone out there a Jericho fan? I watched the first episode or two but then kinda dropped it. However, hearing of the 40,000 lbs of peanuts makes me wonder if I should give it a second look.


vocabulary, educational, word of the day, tv, what would we do without the internet?, random, fanfic

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