Welcome to June

Jun 01, 2007 22:39

This past week has simply *whoosh!ed* by.

My sisters are both across the country at a ... thing. My grandparents are moving. And, some dear friends are on vacation in Hawaii and my mom had agreed to watch their four children (15 months to 8 years) before realizing all of this would occur in the same period of time.

SO... since I'm the only one in town, I've been working throughout the mornings and then going over to help my grandparents (their new place is only a mile and a half away). Making beds, laying rugs, hanging things, unpacking, moving furniture, washing dishes, taking out the trash, all that kind of stuff.

But mostly I'm there to reassure them that things aren't as stressful as they might think and to remind them of things and help give my Grandma someone to talk with to in order to work through all the stuff she's thinking/worried/upset about.

I mean, moving is a big decision and process for anyone. Especially if you've had the same house for 45 years or so. Plus, they're both in their 70s now and big events/changes/decisions like this are more difficult on people when they're older. And this whole buying a house/moving thing has been a yes-no, stop-go, hoorah for several months now.

I really haven't done any WORK, just been there. But that's really what they need. My grandma keeps saying I should just move into the spare bedroom. (That's her way of saying "We love you so much, thank you, I don't know what we'd do without you" ... which, she actually HAS said pretty much those exact words, come to think of it, which is pretty amazing if you know my grandma. Her traditional idea of a compliment is to say something like "You'll make a lazy wife a good husband someday" to my little brother)

Anyway, I'm home now and just finished a bowl of Breyer's Light Double-Churned Mint Chocolate Chip and an episode of Doctor Who. Life is good.

my life, dr. who, my family, doctor who

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