
Apr 30, 2007 21:13


I'm going to rewatch and come back and make a massive squeeing post. In fact, I need to do a Heroes-in-general massive squeeing post.

But for now this - !!!!!!
- will have to do.

Except to say:

BENNET!!! Leading the Specials Underground Railroad!

And hiding Claire at the Burnt Toast Diner! and "Creepy Guy With Glasses"!!!! (Which is TOTALLY what I called him for the first episode or two!!!! Personal shout-out!!)

And I KNEW it! I KNEW IT! When Nathan got eviler and eviler and eviler, I certainly hoped, but then his tone of voice/body language/facial expression during the "Specialest Person There Is" conversation TOLD me. (Which, congrats to those of you who realized it from the promos last week)

And Parkman became the new HRG - sans the actual glasses.

What happened to Mama Petrelli? And Hiro's father and the others in The Company? (I think I saw Linderman standing behind Nathan/Sylar at the speech. But I don't know) What about Ted, was he dead? At first I thought yes, because Sylar blew up, but then it was Peter with the power, so he wouldn't have to be. I guess he could have died in the bomb, but could a radioactive man be killed that way?

Oh, and speaking of Peter, how COOL was it to see him using all his future powers? (And scary-awesome as he is, seeing Future!Badass!Scarred!Peter making Hiro's time-stop face was FUNNY!)

So, I guess I went ahead and squeed. - Oh, yeah, and one last thing: Sylar v. Peter: 2012 - Fire and Ice COOLEST THING EVER - Y/N?

heroes, fangirl-y, tv, my shows, squee!, episode reactions

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