ah yes, we hit up lake conroe AGAIN today and it was oh so much fun. you should know by now that i probably have pictures and that out of routineness, we are going to get right into those...
vil and jamie and then us 3 with lucy!
ew jamie wore A&M shoes so naturally we had to take a pic of mine and her flips...sorry vil got jipped out of that picture, lol. and here we have vil and jamie!
see how happy vil is in this picture? not for long! her owie from last week definitely opened right back up on our first run on the tube. there was blood all over vil's arm and my arm cuz i was next to her. she was like "is that your blood or mine?" hahahaha. she was definitely pissed and that mess was leakin everywhere...ewwww
here's jamie wakeboarding! way to be jamie! and then here's lucy diamond...she didn't get to nap today on the boat and she was tiiired.
ummm pretty sure there were 2 gators all up in our business. anyone who tells you there are not gators on lake conroe is FULL OF IT! it's ok though, i don't think they go out in the middle of the lake where you do your business...they just stay in the little coves and mess. well at least that's my theory and i don't want to hear about it if they are out there where we are swimmin, lol.
as always...tons o' fun! pretty sure that we take a whole lot of pictures. which is good i guess for the people who just like to look at the pictures in the lj, lol. not a whole lot else goin on around here. wellllllll ya that's all i got. later fools!