well what's happened since my last update...i had a history final, i moved everything but my bed stuff out of dobie, i partied it up with natalie, krack, and katrina on friday night and then i came home yesterday after writing a 5 page essay. oh yes, i have pics from friday night...
i don't know what krack is doin in this pic....ahhh there we go, haha
and here we have chels and krack all up in chelsea's room
sexy ladies, very sexy. we went to the 20th floor par-tay but i didn't take pictures, lol. surprising huh? anyway that was a fun night!
so today was mother's day. my mom didn't want to go out so i just picked up los cucos. i think it was a pretty hard day for her and she cried a lot. at least chase and i could be here with her. jack is having a really hard time. he wonders why God would take them at separate times and i'm pretty sure he doesn't care what he eats at all anymore. he is so ready to go it's not even funny. we went and cleaned out some of my gma's stuff yesterday and that was pretty hard for him i think, as well as us. it's just a hard thing to do. mom and i went through a bunch of stuff tonight like her jewelry and some sentimental stuff like that. i have been finding so many letters she wrote me and stuff like that that i am so glad i saved. and with her jewelry, she wrote down who gave it to her and where it was from for every little thing. it was kinda fun goin through that stuff. so anyway, this is the hard part and i'm glad i'm finally home. i'm goin back tuesday night for 2 finals wednesday and then comin home after that. it's good to be back.
p.s. apparently sean summerlin and john allen are movin to pensacola?? what the mess?? well that will be a nice place to road trip to, haha