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r_2kh January 13 2009, 15:54:06 UTC
Ось пояснення із сайту-джерела (посилання у пості): "Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran Israeli soldiers that collects testimonies of soldiers who served in the Occupied Territories during the Second Intifadah. Soldiers who serve in the Territories are witness to, and participate in military actions which change them immensely. Cases of abuse towards Palestinians, looting, and destruction of property have been the norm for years, but are still excused as military necessities, or explained as extreme and unique cases. Our testimonies portray a different and grim picture of questionable orders in many areas regardind Palestinian civilians. These demonstrate the depth of corruption which is spreading in the Israeli military. While this reality which is known to Israeli soldiers and commanders exists in Israel's back yard, Israeli society continues to turn a blind eye, and to deny that which happens in its name. Discharged soldiers who return to civilian life discover the gap between the reality which they encountered in the Territories , and the silence which they encounter at home. In order to become a civilian again, soldiers are forced to ignore their past experiences. Breaking the Silence voices the experiences of those soldiers, in order to force Israeli society to address the reality which it created".
Не бачу в цьому нічого неймовірного. Оце і є реальне - страждання людей, підневільних корумпованим стосункам усередині сучасних держав. Зауваж, що це не просто сповіді палачів: вони є і жертвами. Вони не прикривають свої дії красивими ідеологемами, вони теж є жертвами насилля. Те ж саме і в Грузії: це не футбольні команди, за які треба вболівати. "Реальне" - це ті, що страждатимуть у будь-якому випадку, чи переможе ХАМАС (чого не буде), чи "Оборонна армія". Наше завдання, мабуть, свідчити про це страждання.


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