Another meme from my dearest dongsaeng, Misslisieux~

Aug 31, 2010 23:42

I've been tagged by my lovely dongsaeng; misslisieux

So, I'mma do it now~~


FIRST: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

SECOND: Tag eight sexy people. And if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!

1) Favorite song with a bad music video:
Can I say it here? Coz to me, its Share the world - DBSK just coz I love that song yet the mv is SIMPLE! T_T

2) Song(s) you wish your favorite artist/group made a video for:
Wasurenaide - Tohoshinki coz dayum that song is sad yet very deep!

3) Last album you bought/downloaded:
Lady Antebellum's Album

4) Your favorite drama
I should say - Boys Over Flower (LAME, I know! XDD)

5) The drama you want to be in:
Can Heaven's Postman be considered a drama? If it can, then I'll CERTAINLY be in it!!

6) Which movie/drama would you like to see?
Changmin’s Paradise Meadow! --->  Same as my dearest dongsaeng;  misslisieux  answer; AGAIN! XDD

7) Which movie/drama genre would you not watch and why?
Gore? Coz I watch every genre, I think~ XDD

8) Things that I tend to do :
Sighing. *sigh*

9) Last person you spoke to:
My Mom.

10) Your favorite ice cream flavor:
Choc Chips!

11) Favorite color:
Black, Red & Yellow!

12) Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall?

13) Best way to relax?
sleep --> same as misslisieux answer too!~ XDD

14) Are there any bits of childhood that you miss?
I had a faint memory of my childhood~ or maybe coz i don't wanna remember it~ XD

15) Any regrets?
I wish i could re-do many things in my life atm.

16) Say something to the person who tagged you: I LOVE U DEAREST DONGSAENG~~ ♥!

8 person whom I hope they'll do this is:


<3 U all~~


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