jitter 1.5 is now out, and probably worth the cost of admission ($189) for all you video people if you have a recent machine. you can do at least 4x as much processing if you do it using hardware shaders. or do everything in DV resolution.
i had so little life for the last couple months because of programming tasks. now they're done, except for some UI examples which will go in the next incremental upgrade. so late summer is going to rock, starting about now, with much more remixing and bike rides and playing with synthesizers and so on.
for some days it has hurt to swallow, and i've felt like total ass, and a skinny ass at that, which i found out today is because of my wisdom teeth being infected. i have an appt. to get these evil jobbers out, but it's not until october. in the short term i'm on some heavy meds, which unfortunately have no pleasant side effects, but hopefully will make me better enough to play at the block party this sunday.