But I figured I might as well. Life is reasonably good, Gamesoc is still running, and my term is almost up. Hurray. While I'll be miss running the soc in some respects, I'm looking forward in to being able to focus on college - this year hasn;t been as great as it could have, but I honestly expected that - it;s the price you pay for trying to run a soc, run a cam chapter, and try and go to collge. This is why I'll be doing very little of most of those next year, when it actually counts. Joy.
On the topic of gaming, I;ve become soewhat addicted to L5R (Legend of the Five Rings, for the uninitiated). To the extent where it's become pretty much what I do with most of the people I know who play, and what I talk about with people who play. This may seem vaguely familiar to some of you as the place that used to be occupied by cam - I'm happy with the switch, tbh.
On that topic, I just spent about an hour sorting and categorising my spares. They're now in a box as such:
The yellow protectors are marking them by the sets they're categorised in, within set they're sorted by card type, then alphabetically. Because I'm just that anal sometimes. Course, where it really starts getting pathetic is the front of the box they're in:
That'sa Mirumoto Ichizo sellotaped to the left, as he's pretty but a bit crap, and thus not in my deck, I Carry Two Blades! on the right, as it;s not great and I have 7 of them, a Kensai's Blade under the two cards, and a dragon clan mon on the top. Quite proud of that, I am.
In other, less pathetic news, I'm planning on staying up in Dublin this summer, with Cat who's doing an internship over here (yay). However I have yet to find somewhere to live and/or work, though I have yet to really kick into gear on that - too bloody much to do atm. May be ok for accom come september though, as I'm applying to be an RA next year, which pays in free housing and utilities, which would be very nice indeed.
On the subject of having too much to do, Vaticon is next weekend. This may well be my last Vaticon as RPG co-ordinator, as next year I'll be in final year, and in subsequent years I may be equally busy or not in UCD. Should be fun anyway, hopefully nothing will go too badly wrong. Although that may just be wishful thinking on my part.
Anywya, that;s all the rabbiting on I have in my for the time being. Guess you'll hear from me again in another few months.