Operation Greased Lightning continues...

Dec 06, 2009 23:01

From my journal entry back in April, titled "Operation Greased Lightning":

After getting back from the jungle in February, i was at 153 and not feeling too terribly happy with the state of the bod... comparatively, last July on the Utopia i remember being 165 and being pretty happy 'bout things.

Now, i'm at 160, and midway thru Week 1 of 2009's Operation Greased Lightning. At this point of the week, i've been using the playing card system of push-ups & bodyweight squats in the mornings and putting dedicated effort into drinking 10 glasses of water a day. And getting my eating schedule back on track- five smaller meals a day, spaced 3 hours or so apart.

On a Ten-Scale, i'd give Feb. 2009 a "2". July 2008 scores a 7.5 and right now i'd score myself a 6.

Well, it has taken me approximately seven months to do it, but i've managed to finish Week 2 of 2009's Operation Greased Lightning. I got distracted somewhere in the middle and instead of drinking lots of water and exercising and eating well-balanced meals five times a day... i forgot to eat and sleep and overworked my body and fueled it with bacon and whiskey.

But now, at the end of Week 2, i am back up to my target-ish weight of 166lbs. And according to the chart i saw last week on the wall in the nurse's office, i'm in the dead-center of my target BMI. I'm feeling rather good about the present state of the body... i know that there's little hope of normal eating/sleeping for the rest of December but things are definitely in a good place heading into 2010. That is, i should have figured out by then where in the damned schedule the gym-visits are actually supposed to occur. And will have figured out what foods to keep stocked in all the multitudes of fridges/kitchens i'll be living out of. I think on that mythical "Ten Scale" i'd score myself a 7. Only because i re-injured my shoulder two months ago and so i've taken a decent step backwards in the physical therapy department... i can't believe i injured myself while fishing. FAIL!

I guess i should get a physical too. That'll be fascinating...
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