Notes from the Asylum

Nov 18, 2009 14:11

Been a while... and now that i've actually been home... i've got quite a bit to update. I should (a) be using my journal more, and (b) making it a priority to chronicle the Madness(tm). /me makes a Mental Note(tm)

Today we deal with the subject of video games. My brother has been "anti-Nintendo Wii" since the console came out- primarily because he's against the very concept of waving your arms at the tv to play games. To be honest, i can totally appreciate this perspective... so i fuel it, by saying that "the Wii isn't a legitimate gaming console. It's made for housewives and "fat kids in Houston" who need exercise. That's why they don't make games like Assassin's Creed for the Wii- they make games which trick you into waving your arms."

Still, we have a Wii, and lately it has been entertaining the ever-living shit outta' me... i borrowed Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess from my next-door-neighbor... and have been observing/listening to my brother play this game for two days now. Absolute GOLD.

Quote of the hour: "I want to relax, but instead i'm waving my arms at a rock monster... this is what my Life has come to!" Periodically i come by and help him get past a challenging part of this game... and offer inspirational phrases like, "Fat kids in Houston are crying right now..." Sometimes the fat kids laugh at him. They're bastards, those fat kids. My help is always in the form of lending a fresh pair of eyes to the puzzles, or maps etc. I'm "anti-arm waving" to the extreme. ;)

The fact that there's a vitual fishing component to this game makes it even more awesome... but most entertaining is the 'alternate-story narration' we've got going on... nick-names for the characters, a better plot and etc.

All said, this game is pretty amazing. Visually, and technologically-speaking. Which is what makes the whole situation work- my brother hates the very concept, but can't stop playing. I make a point to make sure he has the safety-loop around his wrist so that he doesn't break the television...
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