New Moon Update

Oct 15, 2009 17:59

from Lena:

"New Moon is Saturday, October 17 at 11:33PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is a good day for planning and organization but with neutrality, ease and trust in spirit. Work with your intentions, make a plan, do something for yourself that makes you happy. If spirit has shown you a direction you need to go or a choice that needs to be made, take the steps necessary to bring that about. This is a practical and focused time. Take advantage of it. Don't get lazy with your practices. If you need to get clarity on something, ask for help."

Pat's more detailed

Astrological Notes:

New Moon in Libra 24º at 11:34 PM MDT, Sat., Oct. 17

Libra is the prominent archetype as the Sun and Moon meet in this cardinal, masculine, air sign. Libra, ruled by Venus, is socially conscious desiring harmonious relationship in business, friendship, marriage, and partners of every kind. Saturn, which moves through a sign in about two and a half years, is about to move from Virgo into Libra on Oct. 29. Big Shift; things are changing. It will retrograde briefly back into Virgo in April-July 2010 just to make sure you're remembering your lessons about being disciplined and eliminating the unnecessary in your life, but now Saturn will structure lessons through human interchange. The individual will be called on to participate within the social structure. Our values and ideals as a social whole will come under scrutiny.

Venus-ruled finances also come under this influence. A major configuration that all astrologers have been anticipating is the first square of Saturn in Libra to Pluto in Capricorn at 1º on Nov. 15. The early degrees of cardinal signs that we have in this situation are known as unpredictable, one doesn't know how events will turn out. Saturn in Libra will want to know, what is your value system? Wealth is defined by 'value'. What do you value? Possessions? Freedom? Relationship? Power? Strong relationship is based on shared values. What you were taught to value previously may not be relevant or valuable in this rapidly shifting era. This is a collective event as much as a personal one.

The New Moon in Libra chart most notably presents the Sun and Moon Square the North and South Nodes (Capricorn/Cancer). The Nodes represent the point of growth vs. the past or what has gone before and needs to be updated and evolved by integrating and balancing its opposite pole. Libra is concerned with what is socially and politically fair and just on the high side and primarily focused on getting its own needs met on the low side. Pluto being the God of Power is letting us know we are not going to be allowed to return to our ambitious, self-serving old ways in business, institutions, government and financial practices (Capricorn). These areas are up for deep scrutiny and transformation with Pluto newly entered into Capricorn and residing there well into 2023.
Does anyone remember the moment of anguish in the vintage movie, "On the Water Front" when Karl Malden is asked if life wasn't going to be based on the dollar then what? And his answer - 'the love of mankind!'. Well, Saturn-Pluto are squaring off to ask just the same question. 2010 with its numerous challenging aspects among the outer planets is pressuring us to let go of ingrained traditions, rules and practices and balance our values from individual gain to an integrative view where everything is affected by each thought, action and decision we contribute to the web of life. True beauty, balance and harmony - the Libran ideals-come from our inner journey into the heart.

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