24-Hour Armchair Marine Biologist's Vacation

Jul 28, 2009 17:02

Life went sideways a bit this weekend, and i made a somewhat-spontaneous decision to bail for the coast. I split for North Padre Island at 4pm Saturday, and got home around 1am late Sunday night. I wanted to get back a bit earlier, but had ridden down with two other friends, one of whom had never been to the beach in his 34-year Life so we stay'd to watch the Sun set.

The purpose here was to dry out, relax and de-stress for the push ahead. This trip was just what the Dr. ordered- i am cleansed by wind and waves, and have got a Helluva' scratch to my Marine Biologist itch-

Most amazing of all, i got to see baby Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles! Turns out that they have found 196 turtle nests this season and these were hatchlings from the last clutch of eggs. They had hatched on July 25th, and less than 24-hours later... they were being released-

I had never fished directly from the surf- always either off a pier or jetty- will have to try this again with a bit more research re: season, tide table etc. But, we did catch a stingray!

As you would imagine, the Padre Island National Seashore is picked clean of every single seashell. An entire Summer of kids vacationing and beach-walking parents has taken its toll... it'll be interesting to take an All-Wheel Drive vehicle 30 miles down the island in October to see what we can come up with... as for "live" specimens, i did find a bunch of critters living out in 5' or so of water... but the "underwater sealife" pictures are a fail with this digital camera- so 'next time' i get the underwater camera and a glass specimen-dish. =D

However, the sand dollar population is alive and well if you know where to look. Along with a whole host of hermit crabs and olive snails. Next trip, a mask & snorkel!

there are few more pics on my brother's camera but i'll have to wait until he gets back to check 'em out-

next trip tentatively scheduled for October. =)
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