Oct 25, 2004 19:43
wah, totally spaced out at the moment , my head is spinning and the fact that it is free is kinda cool :P , altho the real reason for it i believe is my body is kinda shutting down as i've been flat out lately and haven't been looking after myself properly ( i mean who has the time ).... :/
Finally fixed my car today, so tomorrow i'll go grab some minor pieces for it, install them...... put the back seat and interior back in......... then if i have time give it a wash O_o , hopefully the wreckers still has a carby that i can grab and chuck onto the engine to see if that makes a difference, hopefull the pig will start to idle ( omg i wrote idol first :/ ) properly, that would be the icing on the cake at this point in time.
Got up at 4 this morning... had a glas of milk, did some weights , then jumped on my bike and road to the train station.... god damn weirdos that use the train system O_o, rode the extra 15-20km/s to work , swooped by magpies all the way... i was kinda stuffed after 6 hours sleep, i wanted to go to sleep when i got to work....., powered through the day without having lunch and did 1 hour overtime before riding back to the train station.
Dad rings me up about 10 km's to the train station and tells me he is "kinda" in the area, so he came and picked me up and took me home.
Was surprising/really nice/bizarre all in 1, i guess thats where my weird feeling spree started tonight. got home.... dad wanted to look at my car... he came to the same conclusion as me that it was the immobliser and NOT! the starter motor, as told by another party.
so i ripped out the immobiliser and rebuilt the ignition wiring. turned the key and VROOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! it worked ^_^
Went and fuelled up at woolies for 90.4cents a litre but i forgot to use my fuel voucher so i payed the full price :(, oh well , next week ^_^
Fuck i'm getting anxious/nervous/excited about this upcoming weekend, i've still gotta write a speech as i am SOOOOOOOOO not saying much on the night.... i am NOT a public speaker.... i managed to get through high school only doing 2 oral presentations in the 5 years( and that was doing English, not english communications )god my english teacher rocked...... i passed all my assignments but refused to do most of the oral presentations so i just failed the subject :(, oh well was better then doing them and feeling awkward i think.
Wow that was off track and completely incoherent but ... body shutting down... need sleep....i think you get a better nights sleep when your really tired, opposed to sleeping more when your not tired..... just my experience.
hmm i'm owed money at work, just gotta get onto wageline and see how much i am owed, my boss isn't going to like it, but i've worked my ass off for over 4 years so i fucken deserve it regardless ( and its the law...... ). Might be finding myself having to get another job....... oh well , if things head that way then i'll deal with them and go to court or whatever it takes, i'm sick of being taken advantage of.
this god damn speech, i had about 100 things going through my head today all this really good stuff to write ( i was almost crying just thinking about it... so imagaine me trying to say it.... not gunna happen )and now i haev the opportunity to type it all out i can't seem to put the words together in teh same way i was thinking them earlier. /slaps mind
hmm might go clean my car now and get it over with then have a shower and head to bed early.
"i don't have friends, i'm blessed with an extended family"
Meh that was one thing that i can remember thinking earlier today, now i have to place all my other thoughts before that so it makes more sense and has more impact when it is read at the end..... :/
I know the spelling is shocking, i don't really care, to much to do to go over this and edit.
Peace out to all