Jul 18, 2004 17:39
FUCK YES!!! IM BACK!!!! ahtjeawrjawehrhk... OMFG!!! NEVER EVER EVER!!!! go to Gillespie, IL!!! It is FUCKING BORING!!! arehkjahrew! shit... Im not even gonna get into the subject. Just, the family reunion went by ok. I got my ass kicked by my cuzin dude thats my moms age or something. DAMN! the fucker almost squezed me to death! yeah! well, other than that, Shit was BORING! so yeah. Well... uh... I have another poem thingy, it sounds hella like an RN rip off =(!!! but ok, this SHIAT is about people not stating their opinions when it is needed ie NOT VOTING!! So if you are eligible to vote, and you decide "FUCK NO!!! Im not registering to vote! Not like my voice matters" Then STFU and read BITCH! And if you just dont tell people what the fuck you think about shit when they ask you, and you dont really have a good reason not to, THEN READ!!! htf is anyone supposed to know what you think if you dont say so?! well... HERE GOES!!!
*Break the Silence of Revolution*
Blindness of valuable opinions, or just the neglect to speak out for what you believe in?
Problems fill society in this dying age
Express your (so-called) "Freedom"
Serenade the world
Scream the words that scream to be heard
No longer get lost in thought just to have your ideas shoved into the burner of your aspirations
Sever yourself from the mindless crowd, and the image you portrai them
Create a simulation to stimulate
Create a stimulation to forge a path to revolution
Ambition and Aspiration lost to Anopsia
Lost to the Silence which would kill to be broken(just like you and your self-confidence)
well? I wrote that while cooped up in a basement in Gillespie, yeah... SHUT UP!!! but... tell me what you think!!! my poem even tells you to!!!!!!!!!