Oct 15, 2008 00:59
Notice: if it seems like there's a lack of content, that's because I'm basically doing friends-only posts from now on.
So, here is me posting another journal message -- just because it's so barren otherwise. I really don't know where I'm going with this, but let's begin with items on my desk. A pile of wires, a spool of DVD-Rs, random electronics, various books, a mess of papers... Hmm... let's see here... Geometric Programming by Duffin, Peterson, and Zener -- a sufficiently old-smelling book copyright 1967. Ah, yes, the odor and various fumes being released by the paper almost burns my eyes up-close. And, for a pleasure read, it's definitely a perverse one. Oh well. Ooo... shiny thing on the desk... nevermind. I better recycle out that unnecessary electronics store flyer I got in the mail -- it's just wasting yet another few cubic centimeters on my desk which could be put to better use. Wait, what was that... *scurries off elsewhere*