Oct 23, 2005 23:09
ten years ago:
i lived in raleigh, north carolina and played baseball. i also played magic the gathering. it was 6th grade, c'mon. atleast i wasn't playing pogs
five years ago:
i spent new years eve with dave santos and some other dear friends and at the end of the night dave said something i will never forget. we were leaving a party and someone wished us a happy new year 2000 and dave goes "have a good day". i shit you not
one year ago:
i was living in andover cay. i wasn't as good at poker as i am now.
pauly jett and i made chili dogs and cheese fries. then i went to Bethany's <3
snacks i enjoy:
hot dogs, take 5 candybar, chocolate milk
what would you do with 100 million dollars:
buy an entry into 2006's world series of poker. i'm not into cars at all but i'd sure as hell buy a new one. something really quick and soft so i could comfortably pass all the stupid assholes who drive me crazy everyday. i'd put some dope speakers in there that kick the bass. buy myself all kinds of comfortable clothes since i don't have much of those these days. i'd buy my parents a condo on the beach that they so want an deserve. buy a bounce house
5 places i would run away to:
New York City, New York
Puerto Rico
5 things i would never wear:
girls jeans,white belts, a red sox t shirt, whitey tighties
5 bad habits:
doing the same shit day after day. smoking. masturbating. that's it
5 biggest joys:
kissing, sleeping in, money but not working for it, seeing the new york yankees win, good times with friends
5 favorite toys:
nintendo game cube, soccer ball, pogo stick, knives, guns
three people to tag:
1. bethany riddlehoover
2. ryan mac arthur
3. mike alfano