Mar 31, 2005 14:58
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in ever difficulty."
-Sir Winston Churchill
"Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have."
-Rabbi H. Schachtel
Well yesterday I went to work like any other Wednesday. After work, went to Holly's house to chill. Josselle(sp) was there as well. They just got back from picking up her grandmom and grandad. Holly and Josselle were gonna go to the mall so I decided to tag along. We took Josselle shopping for an outfit. She's soo cute coz when we went to Hot Dog on a Stick and she gotta hat from Berna, she started saying " Can I take your order?" Hahahaha! Well we visited May, too at Payless she went with us to the foodcourt. Then we had to leave to Joselle's mom arrived at Holly's house and she wanted to go home. So yeah. That's all. After that, I went home then did my plans for a house.