That voices my sentiments exactly.
On another note: I HATE NARUTO.
Seriously. I just now watched the commercial for the game (which sucks) and it advertises that you can be ILLUSIVE. Pointing out the average intelligence of a Naruto fan, these morons couldn't even spell a word right for a freakin' TV COMMERCIAL.
As for Naruto the series, I hate it more than Inuyasha. Yes, MORE. The reason being that the Inuyasha craze has at least died down some (to the point that I don't have to deal with it, at least) but Naruto looks like it's actually going to be worse. I was at Best Buy yesterday playing Beatmania and some stupid kid came in with ONE OF THOSE STUPID HEADBANDS ON. I almost punched him in the face. And to make no mistake, he was wearing a Naruto hoodie.
SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. It's just like Dragon Ball Z, only take out all the hyper-powered practitioners of non-descript martial arts and swap in a bunch of ninjas.
Guys only like it because it's like Dragon Ball Z but with ninjas.
Girls only like it because it's like Dragon Bal Z but more yaoi-friendly.
Stop being stupid.