Apr 27, 2006 09:53
Alright lets see here. Been forever since I've written in here so I might be a little rusty, but here goes. This is basically just gonna be a jumbled list of things that have happened lately.
-First and foremost, I HIT 60!!! WOOO!! And Jason hit 60 about 2 weeks later, we're all uber now. We also joined an endgame guild called BlackDeathUnion with Mando and we've already been to Molten Core and stuff, we're friggin 1337. I'm a Tauren Warrior, Exe, and he's a Troll Shaman named Mileena. We've also started working on our PvP ranks, I hit Stone Guard this week and Jason's a Blood Guard. SOON WE WILL RULE AS HIGH WARLORDS! You can find us on the Detheroc server if you wonna get owned ^_^
-Alright so not only do me Jason and Deathgod play WoW, but Vickie, Gonzo and Leo just got broadband at their house and upgraded their comps, so now they play with us too! They're only in their mid 20s at the moment but I'm sure they'll catch up in no time. And Leo too, whenever he decides to play on our server.
-ANDY GOT NEW METAL PADS! Yes padS, as in more than one. Theyre smaller than my old metal pad but they work just as good, its so awesome. We've already had several DDR sessions at his house and despite me not playing for a good while, I managed to beat Paranoia 270 or whatever on heavy on the first night we got them, which is another step forward for me ^_^. Everyone else is getting better too of course.
-Speaking of Andy he bought and already beat Kingdom Hearts 2, and he already beat Sephiroth. He's also gotten 2 new snakes, a little one that burrows and a new 6 footer he has dubbed "The Massive". Both are extremely cool for their own reasons, but man this guy's gonna start a zoo in his house if we don't keep an eye on him XD.
-GUITAR HEROES!!! Leo and I picked up this little gem from hastings not too long ago, and even more recently Leo picked up a 2nd guitar. SOOO much fun (Franz Fernidad - Take Me Out FTW!), suprisingly JR (Jason's cousin) is the one who got the most excited over all this, and he has already mastered the game on expert. Then again he's a pretty badass player with a real guitar, so I guess that helps.
-MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2! I left my Dreamcast at Jason's and now a few of us play tons of marvel, I even bought a new joystick cuz the old one started acting up pretty bad, couldn't do crap (thought id still win 99% of the time =D). The new one is exactly like the old one just that it actually works. I'm starting to learn the Magneto infinite and how to use Sentinel and Storm, maybe Psylocke too... I've definitely gotten better tho I think, and I have to if I plan on beating those guys at the dirt mall >.< The best part about it is the people I practice with are getting so much better as well, it;s awesome ^_^
-BABY CHICKS! YES!!! About a month and a half ago I bought 6 baby chicks, 5 female and 1 male, and I kept them in my room while they were tiny, then the garage as they grew, and now theyre big enough to keep them loose in the backyard. Call me crazy, but raising chickens is just such a fun project to do on the side. I really wouldnt call them 'pets' cuz they don't really respond to anything other than food or water, but they're still hella cool. Hopefully I can keep them around till theyre fully grown, I've always wanted to breed them. Here's to hoping =D
-NEW COMP!! FINALLY!! I upgraded my pc not too long ago and now its absolutely blazing. New nForce 4 mobo, Dual core proc, 2 gigs of ram, 7800 GT, I finally have a machine that can keep up with me. Now I can record gameplay with no slowdown, and then re-encode the video WHILE STILL PLAYING with no slowdown! This means I can finally start making music vids, I have at least 1 planned for WoW and 1 for F.E.A.R., maybe more tho cuz that game is too cool. Maybe even a UT sniper exhibition vid someday, thatd be cool.
-Speaking of upgrades, since I basically got a new comp, so did Jason. He got all my old parts which are still damn good, so he's living it up now as well. And now all his old parts are going to be used to make Andy a new comp! Just waiting on him for the OK to order whatever parts we need, then he's getting broadband and getting on WoW as well! WOOOO!!!
-While not as important, my hitting has definitely been improving thanks to George (for the bag) and Leo (for the gloves) of course ^_^. My straight hits make the entire structure shake violently, sometimes the bag gets knocked off one of its supports. My body blows are finally starting to send it flying tho, which is definitely the progress I was looking for. Can't wait to see where I'll be in a few months =D
Thats about all I can think of for now, then theres the usual stuff like hanging out with everyone at Jason's and whatnot. Thanks goes out to God of course for all this badassness thats been happening as of late. Doesn't look like any of it's gonna slow down either. In fact, with summer just around the corner things are definitely going to pick up even more. Can't wait ^_^