people!! I'M BACK!!!! xDDD

Apr 02, 2010 23:10

and now.. MY HIATUS IS


it's been a long time rite?? since the last time i updated.. so so soo sorry for all my f-list and also thank you for being really patient to me.. xDD *yeah.. i know.. i failed for being a good friends Dx*
finally my terrible time is over.. i did all my national final test and now all i can do is begging my Lord for the result.. =P
to be honest, i'm so confused what should i write in here.. too many things happened in my life these months.. some are good but mostly it's a tough time for me.. 
  however i think it's not the right time spamming ur f-page with me nagging in random things,right??  lol

well.. i think i will tell u the rest later.. now is around 1am and i should up in 7am.. aaawww~ ◎△◎
*actually this post is just to tell u that i'm still alive.. LMAO*


nite for all of u, friends..

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