A day in the life of a poverty-stricken MORON !

Aug 10, 2011 16:37

 A day in the life of a poverty-stricken MORON !

My day just turned to doo-doo. Lost the internet at my house - AGAIN, so I headed out to the library. Had had nothing to eat today, since there's zero food in the house, as usual. (Those cupboards just don't magically fill themselves!) So I drove thru BK. Forgot I have to park and use two hands to work my mostly broken window, and it came off the track again. Now I'm at a repair place, with almost no money, AND I spilled my soda all over their carpet !

I told them I had only fifty bucks on me until next month, and they gave me an estimate. 6/10 of an hour to open the door and put the window in the track and close up the door - not to fix it, mind you, just to put it back on the track. And they warned me that if something broke they would not fix that, and there was no guarantee that I would even end up with a window that was stuck SHUT at the end (could be stuck down, and then the rain would come in and I wouldn't be able to lock the car - Well, blondes couldn't get in, but everyone else could.)

Update 1 - so they come back after awhile and tell me that there's absolutely nothing wrong with my window! Goes up, down, never comes off the track, perfection. I asked them a hundred questions. Can it just miraculously fix itself? It wasn't stuck when you first tried it. Can a car just reset its own window just by turning it off and on again (reboot)? Did you almost “try” to break it or get it to come off the track? I mean, I don't want to use it just twice and have it happen again or fall into the door.

I was incredulous, but laughing. My life has been messed up for so long that that was actually making some sort of non....sense. The usual non of the sense in my life. I started to look at this another way, as rather a blessing. Seems I might end up with a FIXED window after all. I had been suffering with this half-broken window for about four YEARS, unable to afford to fix it. Was forbidden even to use it by my son, for a few years. August heat waves and crawling traffic with a broken air conditioner and only one window that works (on the far side) is not quite the party one might suspect.

Then the lady tells me there would be NO charge! Whoo Hoo! We definitely have to eleveate this to a blessing, I think.

Update 2 - So I go happily out to my car, start it up, and check the half-open window, half in disbelief. Clunk! And stuck solid. The motor is trying to work, but the window won't budge. WHAAT?? I go back into the repair shop and tell them, and ask them if starting up a car can make that much effect on a window system. The man says, come outside with me and SHOW me what's wrong with the window. The car door was still wide open and I didn't turn off the car (just in case - nonsense, but who knows?). I told him, just sit in there, and try the window., pointing to the window.

Guess what he told me..... He said, “You told me it was the passenger side window!”

Well, that explains the mystery, doesn't it?

(But I did NOT! I don't even remember him asking me which window it was, and I certainly don't remember telling him it was the other window. I did tell him this long sob story about how I had to use two hands to work the window, and that I had just come out ot the drive-thru and forgot to park to use two hands. And when he tried to “upsell” me from just restoring the window to its former halfbroken state to totally fixing the window, I told him I couldn't afford it, and that I'd suffered with no window for years, and how hot that was, no AC, yada yada.... CERTAINLY I had given him plenty of story for him to question which window it was. Sigh..... who can prove a negative? Who can prove what word was said once the sound waves stop?) So much for the blessing at this point, eh?

Now I'm back inside, waiting to hear my fate again. Will they try to charge me for the time wasted on the first unbroken window, too?

Tune in for the next installment - about 6/10 of an hour from now......

long, rant or complaint, poverty, sarcasm, moron log/stupidity, story on life

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