There are worse parents than I was !
Where was THIS when I needed it!
I was poking around the internet in my new A.D.D. way tonight. (Never thought I had ADD before, but when you look at my 100 piece YouTube playlist, or the 40 unopened and unrelated tabs awaiting me, you'd have a good argument for it. Definitely no "H" though. You could encase me in slow plaster, and I'd still be in the same position the artist wanted by the time it dried. Definitely no "H".)
Anyway, I stumbled upon the following Haitian Lullaby:
Dodo Titit - (Haitian Creole)
Dodo titit*
Si ou pa dodo,
krab la va manje ou
Dodo titit,
krab lan kalalou**
“Dodo Titit” is a widely known lullaby in Haiti. It means “sleep little one”. It sounds like “titit” comes from the French petit.
Sleep Little One - (English Translation)
Sleep little one,
If you don’t sleep,
The crab will eat you
Sleep, little one.
Crab in Okra Gumbo** WHAAAATTT??!!
If you don't sleep, the CRAB will EAT you !!!
OY! Here in America, the worst we get is once a year when we warn that if they don't get to sleep on time, Santa won't come! Where was THIS "lullaby" when I needed it?!