Title: Careless Whispers
Author: QWERTYfaced
Fandom: White Collar
Wordcount: 200
Rating: PG
Characters: Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Diana Berrigan
Genre: Drabble, gen, humor
Notes: For the extended A Drabble A Day personal challenge, and
whitecollar100's Challenge 133 - Games.
Summary: Neal tries to get a message across to Peter.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. All characters and settings belong to their respective copyright holders, not me. Which is why I don't have a refrigerated pillow yet.
"Don't anybody move!"
The White Collar agents stiffened at the barked order, their smiles suddenly frozen. Neal looked down the line at Peter, then raised a tentative hand.
"Um...can you wait just a second before you shoot?"
He didn't wait for the answer. Diana was closest, and he leaned over and whispered something to her, very softly. She gave him a dubious look out of the corner of her eye. "Is this any time to be playing games?" she hissed.
"Just pass this on to Peter," he said, and breathed another few words.
Understanding dawned in her expression, and she quickly turned to the next agent, repeating the message. Neal waited hopefully as it made its way down the line, but the essential nature of Telephone defeated him. Peter simply stared at him in incomprehension.
"'Horseflies hoping'?" Peter asked. "What the hell is-"
Neal made an urgent little gesture.
Peter looked down, went red, and whirled around. Muffled snickers broke out from the people close enough to hear the zipper.
As Neal pointed out later, trying to console Peter, at least his embarrassment hadn't been entirely fruitless. It was the best group photo they'd taken yet.
Everyone was grinning.