Mar 08, 2004 20:14
well...i haven't updated. again. sorry.
umm, yeah, HSPA days were great. loved waking up late, getting bagels, actually eating breakfast was really good. i thought i may try it for a while, then decided it still wasn't worht the effort to wake up the extra 5 minutes. im lazy, what can i say?
work is goign pretty well too. i like everyone there. i hope they all feel the same. it's good though, the people are awesome, the store isn't that big so it won't take FOREVER to clean, but still big enough. excellent. i espcially lovee getting cheery pepsi that costs $1.50. fuckers. haha, its ok. i got mal a diet dr. pepper bc i owed her one. it better have been good. hahaha.
umm yeah, i dont really recall what i did. let's see....phil stango was home!! bleh, though i didnt really get to chill due to teh fact i was working, i saw him. we will chill when you get back. have no fear! jared dymbort came in to visit me as well. him and i are in the same kind of position for our love lives. it's really weird and nice at the same time. i needa chill w/him and get my bright eyes cd's that he made for me, and also to catch up on a lotta shit. love you boooyy.
sma goldberg..i drew her in a diamond dress during math class. gave me some funny ass quotes forr my away message. haha lovaiiir. i drew ck as a beaver (it wasn't my idea ck!!!), ilyses as a cloud, whang as a sweater, the girl in front of us as a road getting run over, brooke as a pumpkin, and me as a sun. it was cute. a nice waste of 2 whole periods in math. rock on.
humantnies...blehhh. senior paper shit, basically my paper sucks. i dont care, whatever. my gourp is goign this week. topal & i wrtoe a hilarious celebrity jeopardy very proud of it. hopeuflly we'll be able to tape it (thursday??) and then all will be settled and i will be happy. haha.
rehersal today sucked. i honestly had a horrible time, i just wanted to go home. went to international day to sing the all-shore song "dies ire" yeah...ooookkkk. it was horrible. lol. we were all bad terrible and off-pitch and gross. michie and i are tryin to convincce skamie to do it..toehrwise we'll just haev to give her bangles and tell the whole world she's' a litterbug. yeah, i got shit on you skamie. haha. but anyways, after int'l. day, went to rehersal, did the same song that we've been working on for the past 2 weeks, about 4 times. i mean, honestly, that was a waste of my life that i could never EVER get back. ugh. ugh. ugh.
past weekend was allriiight. closed on friday night fo shizzle w/mal and jen. not too shabby. llearned about her nightmare of getting trapped in a hoody sweatshit. i couldn't stop laughing. mallory had her do the impression...twice! haha, it was awesome. we got out early enough that i could chill w/my cousin, and my hasmter, and my brother, adn went to bed. rock on. saturday, worked durin the day. was gonan go to hali's hizzle, but went to ocean and slept there. rowr. met more of zach's friends(most were the same), very nice people, played beer pong (i got in more than him!!) and listened to everyone sing songs that i didn't know the words to. ha, it's all good. i alos painted w/watercolor on his friends chris' face. it was pretty funny. instead of using water, a girl put beer for it. excellent. alll in all i hadda good time..i guess haha! kidddinngg buddyy. ;)
my volleyball team rocks. 6 - 0 i think we are. all the teams get pissed when we win, but hey, we can't be defeated. biatttchhh. it's all good in the hood. i love winning. its really intense though. laura got really pissed off losing today, randi got hit int eh ear, sarets was hsyterical crying/laughing, and KLVOSKYYYY haha. i got her senior pic. sexayy. i need all yoru snioer pictures people..bring 'em inn!!
CSI is on tongiht, watched simpsons, i am semi-happy.
i wanna know what hte "best stuff made on earth" is. so i decided we should call snapple today at lunch. whang wanted to call..but there was no number. i said, jsut do 1 800 snapple...and it worked! hah! i am so intelligent!! yayy. we didn't find out though..mayeb tomorrow on ck's speakerphone. oh, we also may call teh white house..we havent called in a whiile.
"Everytime he sneezes..I believe it's love." <3