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Итак , Первая Мировая :
[ 01) Германия :]-Gewehr 98, DWM 1915, cal.7,9x57. Repro sling, 98/05 bayonet below scabbard & frog above. -Kar. 98a, Erfurt, 1916. Below is unit marked 84/98 bayo. w. iron mounted leather scabbard. -Gew. 88, Spandau 1889. S marked, no overt signs of Turkish use. -Gew.88/05, Steyr, 1890. Czech made Turkish bolt, repro sling, M71/84 bayonet by OEWG above, scabbard below, . -Gew. 91, Erfurt 1893. Has a cartridge case stuck in the chamber that I haven't gotten around to yet, hence the open bolt, clip of 1903 dated 7,9x57 above. -Mosin-Nagant M1891, Chatellerault, France, 1895, cal. 7.62x54R. The sharp eyed will note that this rifle has a Finnish stock & sling. It is also fitted with the German bayonet adapter for this rifle as used in WWI. 1918 dated m84/98 bayonet above, scabbard below. Also my only German manufactured round of 7.62x54R ammunition above, made by Polte in Magdeburg in 1917. -7.7cm shrapnel shell with its separate loading shell case. -Mauser C96 pistol, Mauser Oberndorf, cal. 7.63x25. Wartime military accepted commercial style pistol, w/ stripper clip of 10 rounds of 7.63mm Mauser. -Below the C96 pistol is a 2cm Becker cannon round. The Becker was developed for use on zeppelins. While it saw limited use in the air, it was used as a ground based anti-aircraft cannon. Dated 1918. -Model 1914 n/A ball hand grenade & Model 1917 'egg' grenade. Below them Model 1917 stick ('potato masher') grenade. -Pistol-08 (Luger), DWM, 1914, cal. 9x19. -M16 Stahlhelm with fitted hessian cover. -M16 Stahlhelm shell, camo painted, with large, compression type fracture on the top. -M18 Stahlhelm.
[ 02) Австро-Венгрия :]-M.95 Mannlicher, Steyr, 1917. This one was converted postwar to 8x56R. Has a canvas sling & the Austrian rod rifle grenade w/friction pull primer. Below it is an OEWG marked M.95 bayonet & scabbard & an FGGY bayoonet/scabbard. Just below the rifle grenade is the special 8x50R blank used for firing that grenade. -M.88/90 Mannlicher, Steyr, 1890, cal. 8x50R. Rear sight sideplates are FGGY marked. Below it is a M.88 bayonet/scabbard/frog. -M1891 Mosin-Nagant, Tula, 1915, cal. 7.62x54R. That description should tell you this is a cheat. While the action is not from an Austrian conversion, the stock is. It is dated 1890-something (can't make out the last number) & has the Austrian wire swivels. Also has a hole in the bottom of the butt for the screw-in type Austrian swivel, and is marked W on the top of the butt & A on the right side. That's probably as close as I'll ever come to an Austrian M-N conversion. -M.95 Mannlicher carbine, Steyr, 1917, cal. 8x50R. Except for the blued bolt, this one seems pretty original. Has the stutzen type front band with bayonet lug & stacking hook, & screw head on the left side of the rifle. Below is a M.95 carbine bayonet w. scabbard/frog. -M.95 carbine, Budapest, barrel dated 1899, cal. 8x50R. This carbine is mismatched, with a Budapest receiver & a Steyr barrel. The interesting thing about it is it seems to have a karabiner style front band instead of a stutzen band. It has a bayonet lug, but no stacking hook, and the screw head is designed to enter from the right side of the rifle. -M.90 Extra-Korps Gewehr, cal. 8x50R, Steyr, barrel date 1902. Missing rear sling swivel. -M.90 cavalry carbine, Steyr, cal. 8x50R. Has no barrel date, and circle T firing proofs. This may have been a Bulgarian contract carbine or one of those made for commercial sale to other militaries. With a very old leather sling. -Zeitzunder or 'Guguruz' hand grenade with friction pull fuse. The cast iron fragmentation section interchanges with the rifel grenade up top. -M1898 revolver, Rast & Gasser, Vienna, 1916, cal. 8mm Gasser. 8 shot, the most wonderfully gawky & mechanical pistol I've handled. -M1912 Steyr-Hahn, Steyr, 1914, cal. 9x21. -Above is the Austrian version of the German Stahlhelm, in their tan color with fabric chinstrap. -Below is the version of the Austrian helmet that has the Berndorfer type liner instead of the German system. It's not a Berndorfer helmet, look to JPS's collection for those, but note how the rivets behind the ventilating lugs are much smaller and higher up than those on the other helmet.
[ 03) Болгария и Турция :]-M.95 Mannlicher, Steyr, 1915-18?, cal. 8x50R. No Bulgarian crest, but has the Lion proofs on barrel & receiver. NCO bayonet below it is not Bulgarian marked, but I bought it from someone in Bulgaria, so it goes here for now. -M1887 Mauser, Mauser Oberndorf, 1889-90, cal. 9.5x60R. Last Mauser military blackpowder design. My only round of 9.5mm Turkish ammo is below it. -M1893 Mauser, Mauser Oberndorf, 1894-95, cal. 7.65x53. Original condition Turkish M93 with original looking sling. M1890 bayonet below. -M1903 Mauser, Mauser Oberndorf, 1908?, cal. 7.65x53. John Wall told me a few years ago that this was from the Turkish Macedonian Gendermerie contract and so was made in, I think, 1908. M1903 bayonet below. -FN Browning Model 1903, cal. 9mm Browning Long. Ottoman contract marked. -Turkish cut down visor stahlhelm. Most of these seem to have been based on M18 German helmets. This is based on an M16.
[ 04) Британия и Содружество :]-Short, Magazine Lee-Enfield, Mark I***, RSAF Enfield, Enfield Lock, England, 1911, cal. .303. Mark I series SMLE updated to *** standard between 1914-1919. -Short, Magazine Lee-Enfield, Mark III*, BSA, Birmingham, England, 1917, cal. .303. Sporting the No. 35 Mk.I high explosive rod rifle grenade, marked G.H. & Co. 1918. -SMLE Mark I**I.P. A Mk. I SMLE updated to MK III configuration at Ishapore, India. The receiver was originally made at Enifeld in 1904 and the rifle was remanufactured to this pattern in 1917. With leather sling. Pattern 1907 bayonet, by Wilikinson, 1918 above, scabbard & Pattern 1914 frog, made of boiled leather, 1915, below. -Pattern 14 Mark I, Eddystone, 1916?, cal. .303. This P-14 is in original condition, with volley sights, and without the Mark I * markings. -Ross MkIII, Ross Rifle Co., Quebec, 1914, cal. .303. This rifle is C.E.F. marked. Mk.III bayonet below. The Mk. II & Mk. III bayonet will not interchange. -RossMkII***, Ross Rifle Co. Quebec, 1910. Rifle is U.S. and ordnance bomb marked, and came with a Kerr No-Buckl sling attached. Mk. II bayonet scabbard & frog (also U.S. marked) below. -Below the scabbard is a Mk.II charger with Dominion Canada 1916 dated Mk.VII ball. The charger is also Canadian marked. -Along the buttplates of the rifles is a .303 cloth bandolier dated 8-18. -No.5 Mk.I Mills grenade, base plug dated 9/16. -No.27 Mk.I smoke grenade, repainted, 1917, sans rod. -Webley Mk.VI, Philip Webley & Sons, Birmingham, 1916, cal. .455. -No.34 Mk.III grenade, 1917. -Colt Model 1911, Colt, Hartford, CT., R.A.F. contract, after May 1918, cal. .455. -Mk. I 'Brodie' helmet. Sand is mixed in the paint to reduce glare.
[ 05) Франция :]-Mle1886 M.93 'Lebel', cal. 8x50R, MAC 1889. World's first smokeless powder military rifle. Above it is the early version of the Mle1886 bayonet 'Rosalie', with German silver hilt and quillion, below is the later version, with brass hilt & no quillion. -Mle 1907/15 'Berthier', cal. 8x50R, Delaunay Bellville, 1917. 3 shot rifle. Delaunay Balleville was a well known automobile manufacturer in France at the time. -Mle1890, MAC 1890. This was the first weapon of the 'Berthier' type. The 1890 cavalry carbine came in two styles (maybe more, ask those who know on the French forum to be sure), the other version had a different type of stock for the Cuirassiers. As a cavalry carbine it takes no bayonet. -Mle1892, MAS 1892. This modification of the Mle1890 to take a bayonet was for artilleryman, fortress troops, and anyone else who needed a rifle but not an infantry rifle. This one escaped the modifcations made after the war to most of these, and still has provision for its cleaning rod. This celaning rod is a repro. Above is the earlier version of the Mle1892 bayonet, with a rubberized composite handle, together with its scabbard & frog, below is the later version of the bayonet with the wooden handle. -Mle M. 16, MAC 1918. The Berthiers were modified to take five shot clips, resulting in the extended magazine you see here. That was the modification M. 16. This rifle was assmbled at Chatellerault, but the receiver was made at the Etts. Continsouza, who were manfacturers of Motion picture cameras and equipment. -Mle 15 'Adrian' helmet, painted in the mustard-khaki of the French Colonial troops. The crescent badge with RF, for Republique Francais, was used by Zouave & Spahi regiments, amongst others. -Mle 1873 revolver, Cal. 11mm, MAS 1883. Double-action revolver, which came out in the same year as the Colt SAA. nice handling revolver. -somewhat squashed holster for the Mle1892 revolver. -Mle 1892 revolver, cal. 8mm, MAS 1896. Has a loading gate, but also a cylinder which swings out to the right, for cavalry use. This one is naval marked. -Mle 15 Adrian helmet. This helmet bears the standard flaming bomb with RF of the French infantry. It is painted in the slate blue-grey color that wa adopted after the initial horizon blue color turned out to be too conspicuous.
[ 06) Франция :]-Mle1874 M. 80 M.14 'Gras'. The black powder 11mm Gras rifle was modified early in the war to accept the 8mm Lebel round as a war emergency measure. The barrel was reamed out and sleeved to 8mm, and a handguard was added. The t-backed bayonet & scabbard are for the Gras, but the bayonet is marked Steyr, 1881. I'm not sure if that is appropriate to go with a French rifle or not, maybe someone will enlighten me. -Fusil Automatique Mle 1917, cal. 8x50R, MAT 1917. The first semi-automatic issue infantry rifle used in combat. the Germans used both Mondragon & Mauser semi-autos in aircraft, and the French used Winchester M1907 & M1910 rifles in aircraft & the trenches, but this rifle was the first semi-auto built & issued by a military for its ground forces. utilizes a five round clip different from that of the Berthier M.16. This rifle, as with most Mle 1917s, was modified in the 1920s or 30s by having its gas system plugged, thus making it essentially into a bolt action. -'Petard de la Troisime armee'. improvised French grenade from early in the war. A piece of wood with a belt hook on the back. The block at the top has a nail stuck in it to act as a friction fuse. Pull the wire attached to the nail, nail rotates & grinds against the black powder starting a train, which burns down into the iron cylinder and explodes the main charge. Extra bits of iron are wired to the sides for more shrapnel. -Mle 1914 'bracelet' grenade. Cast iron sphere with a wooden plug fuze. The pin in the fuze would have been connected by a chain to a metal hoop worn around the wrist. When the grenade was thrown, the pin would be pulled by this chain to start the fuze. This gave some distance between the thrower & the grenade, as the fuzes had a tendency to go off prematurely. -Vivien-Bessier rifle grenade, without launcher, but with brass guard to protect the igniter. There are threads with better examples & excellent descriptions of how these work in the French board. -French P1 grenade. -Hotchkiss 37mm HE round, 1918. This is the type used in the infantry guns use by both the French & US troops, as well as in the Renault FT tanks when they were cannon equipped. More Mle 15 helmets: -Another infantry helmet, an early example which was originally painted horizon blue but has been overpainted in the darker color. compare with the light Horizon Blue artillery helmet below it. -The badge of the Engineers. -The badge of the Medical Corps. -The badge of the Chasseurs. most of the darker blue-gray has worn off this helmet, revealing the early light Horizon Blue. -That on the left has an artillery badge and is painted in the early, lighter horizon blue color. -The helmet of the Czech Legion, serving in France. I have no Czech section for WWI, so this may rest here. -Helmet of an Officier Medecin. Pre-war medical badge used by some officers instead of the wartime version, above. -Helmet of an Officier de Chasseurs. Some Chasseur Officers used the pre-war hunting horn emblem, which lacked the RF of the wartime version, above. -Helmet of the Colonial Infantry.
[ 07) Сербия , Россия , Черногория :](NOTE: The two Mosin-Nagant rifles are the same length. The apparent difference is an optical illusion caused by the angle of the photograph.) From the top: -M1910 Mauser, Mauser Oberndorf, Germany 1910-1912, cal. 7x57. Commercially marked model 1910 with Serbian proofs. In very rough shape, but I have searched long & hard for any Serbian WWI configuration rifle. -M-1891 Mosin-Nagant, 1917 Tula Peter the Great marked, mismatched but markings intact, no importer marks or importer serial #. No evident Balkan or Finn markings. -Remington bayonet for same. -M1907 Mosin-Nagant cavalry carbine, Izhevsk 1912. Stock well sanded & with inappropriate sling, but all matching. -M1895 Winchester, Russian contract. Not Spanish marked, came to me with two rounds of Finnish 7.62x54R in the butt trap, not that that signifies, but it was a nice surprise. -M1891 M-N, Tula 1899, Balkan import, Romanov birds more or less intact. Has the eagle over HI mark on the left side of chamber & receiver. Was sold to me as a Montenegrin rifle. Marks had fresh looking white goo in them when the rifle arrived. Goo obscured the markings, so was removed, revealing equally fresh looking marks stamped in the metal. Doesn't really resemble the pictures of JPS's I've seen, either. Long description, but that's to say that I have my doubts, but it's my Montenegrin until something better comes along. -M1895 Nagant revolver, 1913. Arsenal marks removed, but still has the old front sight. -M1911 Colt, caL. .45acp, commercial pistol with English Contract mark in Cyrillic on left side of frame, refinished. -Serbian Adrian helmet, fairly rare, made in France. -Sohlberg helmet, Finnish made, intended for the Russians, mostly used by the Finns. -Russian Adrian helmet, like the Serbian helmet , made in France.
[ 08) США :]-Model of 1903, Springfield Armory, Springfield, MA. 1909, cal. .30-06. Springfield '03 with single screw stock in pre-WWI configuration. Some of the parts are parkerized from later mixing & matching. Scruffy 1906 dated M1905 bayonet below. -Model of 1917, Eddytstone Arsenal, Philadelphia, PA. 1918, cal. .30-06. Late war Eddystone with what's left of original finish. Lend-lease marked for Canada. Kerr No-Buckl sling, bayonet & scabbard below. -Model of 1898 Krag-Jorgensen, Springfield Armory, Springfield, MA 1901, Cal. .30-40. Krags were not only used in the U.S. for training & guard duty, but also made it to France in the hands of railway troops. Mills web sling. -Colt Model 1917 Revolver, Colt, Hartford, CT. late 1917-early 1918, cal. .45ACP. This is an early Colt that cannot be fired without the halfmoon clips. -Coll Model 1911, Colt, Hartford, T. 2003, cal.45 ACP. This is a cheat. It's one of Colt's newly made 'continuation of WWI production' pistols, with WWI era 1911 features & markings. -Colt Model 1909 Revolver, Colt, Hartford, CT. 1909-11, cal. .45 Long Colt (modified). This example is a military revolver with a cylinder & crane from a commercial gun. -Smith & Wesson Model 1917, Smith & Wesson, Springfield, MA. 1917-18, cal. .45 ACP. -M1909 holster, for any of the revolvers. -On the right is the U.S. M1917 helmet, based on the British Mk. I. This is a U.S. made example (you can tell by the rivets on the chinstrap swivels inside) which has sawdust mixed in the paint ot reduce glare. Marked with the red diamond of the Fifth infantry Division. On the left is what remains of my grandfather's M1917 helmet. He was in an artillery unit that was attached to several divisions during its stay in France. On the sides, at the edge of the rim, you might be able to make out two small loops of wire. There are three small holes on each side in this area to hold these loops. They are for a device called the Wilmer eye shield. Many helmets were modified for this device, although it was not generally issued.
[ 09) Бельгия и Люксембург :]M1889 Mauser, Fabrique Nationale. This particualr 1889 was captured by the Germans & rechambered to 7,9x57. The chamber has the Prussian eagle firing proof. The stock does not have the Deutches Reich marking but does still have the Belgian Guarde Civique mark.
-M1916 Mauser carbine. Manufacture D'Armes de L'Etat. Cal. 7.65x53. The Belgians standardised on this carbine during the war. No date, so it stays in the WWI section.
-M1900 Luxembourg Mauser, Mauser Oberndorf, 1900, cal. 6.5x55. Very few of these about, a modification of the Swedish Mauser with a shorter barrel & different front band.
-M15 Adrian helmet, with the lion of Belgium.
[ 10) Италия :]-Fucile Modello 91 Carcano, Torre Annunziata, 1898, cal. 6.5x52. With M1891 bayonet, scabbard/frog. -Moschetto Modello 91 per Truppi Speciali (M91TS), Brescia 1917. Made with lug for special TS bayonet (pictured). -M91TS, Brescia 1915. TS with standard M91 bayonet lug. This should be in the WWII section, as these were converted after 1918, but I already took the picture this way, and you can see the two configurations side by side. -M1870/87/15 Vetterli, Brescia 1888, cal. 6.5x52. This is another example of the country's older blackpowder weapons being rechambered for the newer smokeless round as an emergency measure early in WWI. -Farina helmet. These helmets, with heavy armored browplates, were made for use by assault troops. JPS talked with me about this one a few years ago, and pointed me to some people who could look at it in person. Net result is, I'm somewhat dubious about the authenticity of the brain pan part of the helmet, but am pretty happy with the armored plate, even if it is of non-standard shape. -Glisenti M1910, Brescia, cal. 9mm Glisenti. Beautifully made pistol, but with frame design that does not allow for a powerful cartridge. Round is dimensionally identical to a 9mm Parabellum, but only about 75% as powerful. With holster. -Model 1889 Bodeo, Type II, G.A. Castelli, Brescia 1917, cal. 10.35mm. Enlisted mens' version with folding trigger. -Beretta Model 1915, Pietro Beretta, Brescia, cal. 9mm Glisenti. Beretta's first military pistol design. Originally made in .32acp, this version is chambered in the 9mm Glisenti round. These were issued to both the army & the police. This example is police marked. -Italian Mo.15-16 Lippmann helmet. The Lippmann was a simplified copy of the Adrian. This helmet is fitted with a cloth cover from the 9th Infantry Regiment, with a symbol for the machine gun company on the side.
[ 11) Румыния :]-Md. 1892 Romanian Mannlicher. Steyr 1893, cal. 6.5x53R. Cleaning rod is mismatched but otherwise very nice. Bolt is Belgian marked in addition to Steyr marked. Bayonet scabbard & frog below.
-Md. 1893 Romanian Mannlicher. Steyr 1897, cal. 6.5x53R. Serial # 33! In remarkable shape. I don't believe it was ever accepted by the Romanians; there is no crown above the model designation on the receiver. Bayonet & scabbard below.
-Md. 1893 Romanian Mannlicher cavalry carbine. Steyr 1894, cal. 6.5x53R. These are rather difficult to come by.
-Shell of Romanian 'Adrian' helmet with crest of King Ferdinand I
[ 12) Япония и Бразилия :]-Type 38, Koishikawa Arsenal, Tokyo, cal. 6.5x50SR. Early production Type 38, although I haven't seen anything which could tell me if this serial # dates to WWI period or not. Missing dust cover. Original sling. -Type 30 Rifle, Koishikawa Arsenal, Tokyo. Royal Chysanthemum has been overstruck with arsenal mark, meaning this rifle was sold out of Japanes service. This could be one of the many rifles of this type suppplied to Russia in WWI, or even to Great Britain. There are no marks to indicate one way or the other, though. -Type 44 carbine, Koishikawa Arsenal, Tokyo. These folding bayonet carbines began to be produced in 1911. Again this is an early model, but I know of no way to date it to the WWI period. -Yes, Brazil entered WWI in 1917, although it's unlikely that any Brazilian Mausers saw action. Brazil's navy, including her two dreadnaughts, took over South Atlantic convoy responsibilities, and Brazil seized German assets in the country. Brazilian M1908 Mauser, DWM, Berlin, cal. 7x57. with leather action cover, bayonet & scabbard.
[ 13) Португалия и Греция :]-Shell of Portuguese pattern mild steel helmet. This was patterned after early private purchase helmets used by British officers. This one doesn't have the ventilating holes in the sides, but has been ventilated by someone using it for bayonet practice at some point. -Espingarda Modelo 1904 'Vergueiro', DWM, Berlin, 1904-1908, cal. 6.5x58. Portuguese troops on the Western Front used British weapons, but this was the standard Portuguese rifle, and was used by them in Africa, as well as by South African troops, to whom the Portuguese supplied a large number. This is the only Vergueiro I have encountered with the original finish on the stock, most of those from Africa & elsewhere have been well sanded. Bayonet & scabbard below. -Espingarda Modelo 1904, DWM, Berlin, 1904-08. This one is different in that it is D.M.G.L.M. marked, in English, General Military Directorate of Laurenco Marques. So this rifle was assigned to Portuguese East Africa, where they were used by Portuguese, and, when captured, by German troops. Bayonet & scabbard below. -Espingarda Modelo 1896, Steyr 1899, cal. 6.5x53R. These short rifles were ordered for the Portuguese Navy & were based on the Romanian Mannlicher rifles. They even have the Romanian final inspection proofs on them, as does the bayonet, which I acquired from Portugal, below. -Espingarda Modelo 1886 'Kropatschek', Steyr 1886, cal. 8x56R Krop. These would still have been in use with colonial forces in WWI. Bayonet & scabbard below. -Model 1903 Mannlicher-Schoenauer, Steyr 1907, cal. 6.5x54. Greek rifle with original sling, not easy to find. Bayonet is for this rifle but is a cheat, as it was made in Italy & so is post WWI in origin.
[ 14) Китай и Сиам :]Both of these countries declared war on the Central Powers in 1917, and both of their activities were limited to seizing German ships & other assets within their borders. -Hanyang type rifle, cal. 7.92x57. This is one of the many Chinese copies of the Gew. 88, without the barrel jacket. Hanyang Arsenal produced some of the best verions of this rifle, hence its name amongst collectors. This example has no markings as to the maker. I made the guy climb the ladder in the showroom of Springfield Sporters & get it for me because I liked the markings on the butt. It is extremely beat. -Hanyang type carbine. An equally beat carbine length version of the above rifle. -M1903 Siamese Mauser, Koishikawa Arsenal, Tokyo, cal. 8x52R. Converted form the original 8x50R. Bayonet & scabbard below.
Вторая Мировая :
[ 01) Франция и Польша :]-Mle1936, MAS 1938, cal.7.5x54. MAS 36 in pre-war configuration with forged parts and black instead of grey finish. Below is a 1936 dated stripper clip with 1937 dated 7.5mm ammunition. -Mle1907/15 M.16, MAS 1917, cal.8x50R. This is the 07/15 Berthier modified for the five round magazine after WWI. I've read that in 1940, over half of the French infantry was still armed with the 'fishing pole'. Bayonet/scabbard/frog below. -Mle1907/15 M.34, MAS 1939, cal. 7.5x54. This is the Mle07/15 converted to 7.5mm, with a new, shortened barrel, Mauser-style magazine, and new rear sights. 50,000 of the Berthiers were modified to this standard, to bring them closer in most respects to the new MAS 36. -Wz.29, Radom 1937, cal. 7.92x57. Polish short Mauser. This one has a 98k bolt, came with 98k sling. Below is a clip of 1936 dated Polish 7.92mm ammo, and, for something different, a 7.92x107 Polish Marozek (sp?) anti-tank rifle round, dated 1937. -K98, Radom 1920s?, cal. 7.92x57. Polish copy of Kar. 98a. Missing lower band screw. -VIS 35 Radom, Radom early 1940s, cal. 9mm Parabellum. Early occupation production, refurbed postwar. Really nice pistols these are, with holster. Should go in the German section, but I don't have a pre-occupation pistol, so it goes here. -Mle1935A, Societe Alsacienne de Constructions Mecaniques(S.A.C.M.), Cholet, France, 1938-40, cal. 7.65mm longue. Pre-occupation French pistol. Very easy takedown. -Relic condition shell of Wz.31 helmet. Certainly the most advanced helmet design of its time. -Mle 26 helmet. Same general shape as the Adrian helmet, but of simplified design & made from manganese steel. With the flaming bomb insignia of the French infantry.
[ 02) Германия :]-Kar. 98k Feinmechanische Werke, Erfurt (S/27) 1937, cal. 7,9x57. Bayonet scabbard & frog below, frog dated 1935. -Gew. 98, Simson & Co., Suhl 1917. Rebuilt with Mauser Oberndorf made tangent rear sight, 1930s. Stock is from Brazilian M1908, stamped to match this rifle. -Kar. 43, Berliner-Lubecker, Lubeck (duv) 1944. Durofol handguard (plasticized compressed paper product). -Gew.98/40, Budapest (jhv) 1941. Modification of Hungarian design to German standards. -P.08 'Luger' Mauser Oberndorf (42) 1939, cal. 9mm Parabellum. Refurb. replacement grips. -P.38, Walther, Zell-Mehlis (AC) 1942. with holster. -M40 helmet, Luftwaffe marked, with German owner & Canadian capturer's names on the inside.
[ 03) Италия :]-Fucile Modello 91/38 Carcano, Terni 1941, cal. 6.5x52. What the Italians went back to when they switched back from 7.35 to 6.5. And the Italian collectors are so sick of this they'll probably take a swing at me, but somebody's gonna ask. This is the Oswald variant. -Fucile Modello 41, Armaguerra Cremona 1943, cal. 6.5x52. The Italians are one of the few militaries who decided they needed to go back from a short rifle to a longer rifle. -Moschetto Modello 91/38 per Truppi Speciali, FNA-Brescia 1942-44, cal. 6.5x52. -Moschetto Modello 91 da Cavalleria, Brescia 1937, cal. 6.5x52. Couldn't put this 91 cavalry carbine in the WWI section because of the date, but also the chamber is rounded (hard to see in this photo). Before the mid 30s, the chamber would have been flat-sided. -Moschetto Modello 91/38 da Cavalleria, Gardone V.T. 1941, cal. 6.5x52. note the rear sights on the 91 carbine & the 38 carbine. -M.95 Mannlicher carbine, Steyr, 1915, cal. 8x50R. AOI marked. Taken by the Italians as reparations after WWI and issued to local troops in East Africa. -Beretta M1934, Beretta, 1940s, cal. .380 ACP. Has Italian Air Force acceptance mark, but no slide legend. Bought this pistol with no mag, and the mag cost me almost as much as the pistol. -Italian M.33 helmet of the 8th Alpini. Missing the feather which goes behind the pompon on the left side. I know the green pompon color means something like the batallion number, but I can't find that one right now.
[ 04) СССР :]-M91/30 M-N, Izhevsk, 1941, cal. 7.62x54R, with bayonet & postwar dated sling. Below the bayonet is a clip of 1938 dated Type D heavy ball 7.62x54R from Lugansk/Frunze (60). -M91/30 M-N, Tula, 1932, pretty ratty, but was dirt cheap & is a hex receiver. -M91 M-N Dragoon, Tula, 1927, Finn property marked, but appears otherwise unmolested, the rear sight isn't even renumbered, so it stays here in the Soviet section. -SVT-40, Tula 1943. Plum bolt refurb, with AVT stock & I think AVT muzzle brake. -M38 M-N, Izhevsk, 1943. -M44 M-N, Izhevsk, 1944. Ya, I know the pretty stock is post war, but my choices are this or a 1946 with solid wood and the two eared bayonet stop. -TT33, Izhevsk, cal. 7.62x25, 1945. -1895 Nagant, Tula, cal. 7.62x38R, 1927. -Ssh39 helmet, 1939. -Ssh36 helmet, 1937, earlier dark paint. -On the right side are a round of 12.7mm DShK (12.7x108) API & one of 14.5mm Vladimirov (14.5x114) API B32, both dated 1943. -On the far right, at top is a 37mm M1939 (37x250R) high explosive tracer anti-aircraft round, case dated 1940, primer(fired) 1943. -At bottom is a 45mm (45x310R) AP-HE round for tank & anti-tank guns, shell dated 1938.
[ 05) Финляндия :]-M91-24 M-N Pre-SAKO?, 1924-28, cal. 7.62x54R. Stepped barrel Civil Guard rifle. -M91 M-N Tikka, 1940, w sling. Yes, some fool has sanded & tung-oiled this stock, and that fool was me. Actually, I thought better of it part way through. This was the second rifle I ever owned, and the one that started me on this collection. It's Puolustuslaitos marked, too. Below Is Tikka made Stripper clip with 1937 VPT 7.62x54R rounds, from box dated 12-3-38. -M91 Dragoon, Izhevsk, 1921. -M27, Tikkakoski, 1932. Rear half of the stock is black walnut, & I think the receiver's Westinghouse, also. -M28/30, SAKO, 1940. Someone else gets to take the blame for sanding this one, and for going over all the exposed metal pretty hard with steel wool. Shoots nice, though. -M39, SAKO, 1941. This is what you could get from Century for under $60 8 years ago. -Fucile Modello 91/38, Carcano, Terni, 1939, cal. 7.35. SA marked, w. SA marked sling. Below is 1939 dated clip with 7.35mm rounds by S.M.I. dated 1939.
[ 06) Япония :]-Type 38, Koishikawa Arsenal, Tokyo, cal. 6.5x50SR. This is the same Type 38 from the WWI group. A Japanese collector would think it odd that I don't have a different Type 38, with later features for the WWII picture, but I guess that's one of the differeneces between collecting wide & collecting deep. This time there's a Type 30 bayonet & scabbard along with it. They reside here because the story that came with them is they were brought back from Attu. I bought the bayonet & not the story, but I don't mind repeating the story. Bayonet is also Koishikawa/Kokura marked. -Type 99, Kokura Arsenal (series 24), cal. 7.7x58. Has anti-aircraft sight but no drain holes in stock, has dust cover but missing monopod. Type 30 bayonet is marked to Toyada Automatic Loom Works, Nagoya. -Type 99 Long Rifle, Toyo Kogyo (series 35), cal. 7.7x58. missing dust cover & monopod. -Type I, Gardone, FNA-Brescia, or Beretta? Italy, late 1930s, cal. 6.5x50SR. Carcano action, made under terms of the Tripartite Pact for Japan. Repro sling. -Type 90 Helmet, with Army star. According to the experts on the Japanese Forum, the characters on the chinstrap read "2 of 2 Mikubo Keiji". So now I know this was Keiji Mikubo's helmet. Thanks again to them for their help
[ 07) Китай и Сиам :]-Zhong Zheng Shi (Chiang Kai Shek) model Mauser short rifle, 21st Arsenal, Chungking, China 1945, cal. 7.92x57. One of the better quality ZZS rifles, with the arrow, gearwheel logo. If it looks bad, that's only because it's filthy. I've only owned it for something over eight years, so sue me if I haven't gotten around to it! -Kar. 98k, Mauser Oberndorf 1930s, cal. 7.92x57. This one came from Navy Arms this way. The barrelled action & bolt are Chinese 98k, in a Yugoslav stock, with bands & triggerguard from who knows where (mostly hand numbered). I should've gotten an early, solid 98k stock before all the RC's went up in price. -Type 38, Koishikawa Arsenal, Tokyo, 1900s, cal. 6.5x50SR. This is the rifle with the most character I've ever owned. It is a very early Type 38 (106,000 serial range) with the mum overstamped very crudely with three circles. I think the stock is hand made (look how thick the wrist is compared to the rifle below it). The rear tang on the triggerguard is hand-hammered, and then there are those sheet metal repairs nailed on, almost like American Indian tack decoration on older rifles. It came out of China, and I'm going with the theory that it got there before WWII. -Type 66 Arisaka, Kokura Arsenal, Japan, late 1920s-early 1930s, cal. 8x52R. The Siamese version of the Arisaka features a different rear sight, and a slightly deeper bellied stock at the magazine for the rimmed Siamese round. -Model 1903 Mauser, Koishikawa Arsenal, Tokyo. This is the same Siamese Mauser shown in the WWI section. With the alteration to the 52mm long cartridge it more properly belongs here.
[ 08) Венгрия , Чехословакия , Австрия и Румыния :]-35M, Budapest 1938, cal. 8x56R. Thie piece has a broken cocking piece. Very cool rifle. Bayonet, scabbard & frog below. -43M, Budapest 1940s, cal. 7.92x57. -VZ-24, Brno 1926, cal. 7.92x57. Has three line Brno address on reciver ring. E lion 26. Bayonet & scabbard below. -M.95 carbine, Steyr rebuilt 1933, cal. 8x56R. Has Austrian eagle on receiver ring above Steyr name. -VZ-24, Brno late 1930s, cal. 7.92x57. scrubbed crest of Carol II of Romania on Receiver. -37M, Budapest 1930's, cal. .380 ACP -Hungarian 38M helmet. Similar to the German helmet in shape, has an external bracket on the rear to hang it from a pack strap. -Czech Model 32-34 helmet as used by the Slovak Republic Army on the Eastern Front. Blue band was for friendly recognition as helmet was considered too close in shape to Russian helmet.
[ 09) Британия и Содружество :]-Rifle No. 4 Mk.I Lee-Enfield, Fazakerly 1943, cal. .303. No.4Mk.I bayonet below, No.7Mk.I bayonet/scabbard/frog above. -Rifle No.1 Mk. III* SMLE, Lithgow 1920. With some sort of canvas sling. -Rifle No.1 Mk.III* SMLE, Ishapore 1940. Wire wrapped for grenade launching. not sure of the nomenclature of the bayonet below it, but it's markes Mk. II* 10 42 J U. -Rifle No.5 Mk.I, Fazakerly 1944. The 'Jungle Carbine'. -Revolver No.2 Mk.I*, Enfield 1941, cal. .380/200. Came with faded blue RCAF canvas belt rig below. -Webley Mk. IV, Webley & Scott, Birmingham 1930s-40s, cal. .380/200. -On the right British MK.II helmet. Improved version of the WWI Mk.I, with better liner and elasticised chinstrap, dated 1940. -On the left, Mk.III 'turtle' helmet, dated 1944. First came into general use about the time of the Normandy landings.
[ 10) Дания , Норвегия , Голландия и Бельгия :]-M1889 Krag-Jorgensen, Copenhagen Arsenal, Denmark 1898, cal. 8x58R. This Krag's loading gate pivots out as opposed to down on the Norwegian. Bayonet & scabbard below. -M1894 Krag-Jorgensen, Kongsberg Arsenal, Norway 1893, cal. 6.5x55. This is a bit of a cheat. This rifle is actually serial # 50 of 50 trials rifles built in 1893. It differs in several details from the production 1894 Krag, and chambers an experimental 6.5x55SR round. It's close enough for our present requirements, however. -M1895 Dutch Mannlicher, Steyr 1896, cal. 6.5x53R. Duffle cut, nice markings, bayonet & scabbard below. -M1895 Dutch Colonial Cavalry Carbine, Hembrug 1921, cal. 6.5x53R. Right butt has a carved heart with an arrow through it, above the name ISMAIL A. Left butt has a large R in a circle branded into it. Below is a clip of Dutch 6.5x53R, dated 1941. I believe I read this was East Indies produced. Have to double check that one. -Belgium is the missing link in my WWII rifle collection. Of course, I'm also missing Lithuania & Slovakia, and I don't know if anyone knows how to tell a Luxembourg, Latvian, or Estonian rifle from the time period. I do have this Model 1935 Belgian Browning HiPower pistol, though. FN, Belgium, late 1930s, cal. 9mm Parabellum. With original holster. -M1914 Colt, Kongsberg Arsenal, Norway, 1929, cal. 11.25mm (.45acp). Norwegian license built Colt 1911, with parkerized finish and modified slide release. -On the left the Danish M23-41 helmet. At least I believe it's a 23-41. It doesn't have badge on the front and I'm sure the black paint job must be postwar, but it's the right shape. -Belgian M1931 helmet with the lion of Belgium. -Dutch M1934 helmet with Dutch Royal Lion badge.
[ 11) Югославия , Греция , Болгария и Эфиопия :]-M1924 Yugoslav Mauser, Kragujevac Arsenal, Yugoslavia 1933 or 1939, cal. 7.92x57. The bayonet below it doesn't fit this rifle. It's a M1924b bayonet, which I believe is intended for the shortest of the Yugoslav carbines. -M1924 Mauser Type I Cavalry Carbine, Kragujevac Arsenal, Yugoslavia 1937, cal. 7.92x57. This carbine is the same as the rifle above, except for the side sling swivel on the wrist, the lower band with both bottom & side swivels, and the bent handle bolt. A Type II carbine would be the same as this one, but with a straight handle bolt like the rifle's. -FN M1930 Mauser, FN, Belgium 1930s, cal. 7.92x57. Greek contract rifle. Bayonet is not Greek marked, but is an FN export bayonet, appropriate for these rifles. Above is a clip of 1938 dated Greek 7.92mm ammo. -M.95 Mannlicher, Steyr 1903, cal. 8x56R. Bulgarian crested carbine. -FN M1930 Mauser Carbine, FN, Belgium early 1930s, cal. 7.92x57. Ethiopian contract carbine with ornate lion crest as well as Lion of Judah acceptance marking. Passed through UK at some point as British proofs have been applied. Rare bird (or lion). -Czech M30 helmet. A slight cheat. There are no indications on this particular helmet that it was Ethiopian used. It is known, however, that this type of helmet was used by the Ethiopian Imperial Guard in 1935 & 1936. -M36 Bulgarian helmet, 1st type, with rolled edge. Unfortunately suffered a repainting & relinering in the communist era.
[ 12) США :]-U.S. Rifle M1 (Garand), Springfield Armory, Springfield, MA. 1942, cal. .30-06. Nice early WWII Garand, 506,000 serial # range, 2-42 barrel date, all the bits & pieces as they should be for being manufactured about March of 42. And it looks like it's been around a little bit. M1 bayonet by American Fork & Hoe above with Victory Plastics scabbard below. -M1 carbine, Inland division, General Motors Corp., Dayton, OH. 1943, cal. .30 Carbine. Flip sight, 8-43 barrel date, mag. pouch by Charlotte Tent & Awning, 1943, early sling. -M1903A1, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, IL. rebuilt 1940s, cal. .30-06. High # Rock Island receiver, 1930 dated Springfield barrel, grey-green parkerizing, rebuilt into a C stock in WWII. Blued M1905 bayonet, S A 1918 dated. M1907 sling is one half WWI, 1918 dated, one half WWII, with steel fittings. -M1903A3, L.C. Smith Corona Typewriter Co., Syracuse, NY. 1943. CMP Greek return 03A3. Greek rebuild, SC receiver, RA barrel, black finish. Repro sling. -M1917A1 helmet. Improved version of M1917 with better liner & fabric chinstrap. -M1 helmet, front seam, fixed bale shell (for non helmet types, that means it was made between 1941 & 1943), with Hood Rubber Company liner. Out of about 33 million helmet liners made during WWII, only a little over 200 thousand were made with the Hood Rubber company's process.