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Nov 02, 2035 16:08

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ganguro_girl June 25 2007, 20:58:41 UTC
I would like to add you because I think we're the youngest of the booshhet community. and I feel very alone. and also you like discworld! :)
peace xx


qwentoozla June 25 2007, 21:12:04 UTC
Cool! I've been on the internet since I was twelve and I'm nearly always the youngest. Also yay discworld! :)


ganguro_girl June 25 2007, 21:14:03 UTC
yeah same, except I think it was 13 for me. can't even remember! what's your fav character from discworld then?


qwentoozla June 25 2007, 21:59:41 UTC
I like Vimes and Vetinari best. And Death, I love Death, he's so cute. But I love the city watch books best. Who's your favourite?


ganguro_girl June 26 2007, 16:47:57 UTC
I love the city watch books too :) I think Vimes by far, and also Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg. Is your icon Ash from Hustle? if it is... :D :D


qwentoozla June 26 2007, 22:56:44 UTC
No, Gene Hunt, actually. From Life on Mars. :)


ganguro_girl June 27 2007, 15:36:04 UTC
:O they look exactly the same!
oh by the way - the phrase 'u is doing it wrong' - do you know what the original is?


qwentoozla June 28 2007, 00:09:36 UTC
What, you mean, like on macros? It probably came from all the ones of cats, I think that's where it all started. Like on here. That's where most of the phrases and grammar came from, I think. I don't really know though! I could be missing something.


ganguro_girl June 28 2007, 16:22:54 UTC
Damn you, those lolcats wasted about an hour of my time! I iz ashamed. I think some of them come from there, but some come from old, badly translated computer games. like the original lines: 'all your bases are belonging to us' and 'I is in your base killing ur doods'. One thing added to my 'things to do before I die' list: find out where all the macro sayings come from! LOLZ!


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