Darkness and Light by Mewwy
Sequel is Light and Darkness
Pairings: Steve and Danny
Warnings: Pre Slash and hurt/comfort
Plot: An explosion takes down a team member.
Beta'd: Not yet but it will be
Word Count: 3800
Disclaimer: I don't own them wish that I could. If I could there would be more nekkid and feelings and well explosions!
Coughing, "dammit." Even his own voice sounded painful to Danny. Coughing some more he opened his eyes. Dark. "Great, just great." The coughing was at least clearing his lungs and head. The good news he knew pretty much where he was, second level of the parking garage near the right corner. Bad news he knew he didn't outrun the detonation. "Shit."
Moving around a bit he knew his left wrist was most likely broken, legs good, feet moved, head, "ouch. Okay possible concussion." The pocket he was in was a decent size from what he could feel around. Moving himself slightly he was able to move into a slightly inclined position to make breathing a bit easier, "yep bruised ribs." Reaching for his earpiece he followed the cord and found it hanging behind him. Carefully he pulled at it and it came free. Following it up he was relieved to feel the ear wick was still there. Placing it in his ear and speaking, "anyone alive out there? Or am I the only person left alive on this stupid island?"
Laughter came through the ear wick, "Danny." Kono's voice was beautiful to hear. "What is your status?"
Was she kidding? "Umm under a couple tons of concrete Kono. Thanks for asking. How are you?"
More laughter through his ear wick. "Danny," exasperated and happy to hear his voice. "I mean are you hurt?"
Giving her a lowdown on his injuries and approximately where he was, "Kono where are Chin and Steve?"
"Brah, I am here." Chin piped in. Danny should have recognized the other laughter. "Steve is out annoying the hell outta the search and rescue teams. Brah we been waiting for you for hours."
Danny groaned, "how long has it been?" Knowing the longer he was out of touch the more Super SEAL would go nuts. Silence, "guys?"
"About five hours Danny." Kono's voice was quiet.
'Shit,' Danny thought. "What's it like out there?"
"You have a couple tons of concrete on you." Chin chuckled and threw Danny's words back at him.
"Thanks, smart ass. I mean where are we at in the locate Danny scenario?" Not that Danny was concerned his teammates would go to the ends of the earth to help each other. His true concern was about his injuries, if he had guessed right he would need medical attention soon. Hopefully he didn't have any internal injuries. That was the biggest unease. So he moved around to see if anything hurt beyond normal. "I don't feel any other injuries. The pocket of space I am in is somewhat large. I am almost laid out straight, I can't see anything, but I can move about some."
"Give us some time, we will be back shortly Danny." He heard and felt the mike click off on Kono's words. Suddenly he felt very alone. He thought of Grace, at least this wasn't his weekend with her. Hopefully no one had told Rachel about his situation no need to worry her or Grace too soon. A smile came to his lips, his Gracie. She was the whole reason he was on this god forsaken island.
Of course it was all Steve's fault he was under a couple tons of rubble, but that was another matter entirely. They had been chasing up a threat and Five-O had actually waited for back up. Dividing the search Danny and Steve took the parking structure and Kono and Chin the bank building. It had been a undisclosed threat. Just that someone would die at 11 am at the First Bank of Honolulu Waikiki Branch. So Five-O and HPD had begun to assess the threat and search the area. At least Steve had made it out of the parking structure. Or had he? 'No, I have to trust Kono and Chin. If they said he was harassing the search party then he safe. So typical of the man not to be able to sit still.'
Concern for the HPD officers who had also been helping in the search in the parking structure came to Danny. There had been two, no three, other officers in the structure. Taking a deep breath Danny felt his ribs complain and began coughing again. "Danno?" Still coughing, of course Super SEAL would start talking as Danny was having trouble breathing. "Danno!" Slightly more excited. All Danny could do was cough. "Daniel Williams answer me!"
"Jesus," still coughing like he had inhaled the whole building, "can't a man choke in peace." Still coughing the crap out of his lungs. Danny's ribs were bitching extra loudly, but he needed to cough. So he did.
"Sorry," Steve actually had the gall to sound sorry. "How are you feeling?"
There was something in the man's voice that made Danny smile. "You have aneurysm face don't you?"
"Danny," a slight growl. "How are you feeling?"
Chuckling, "well, I feel pretty good. Am thinking of going surfing later today. Do you think Kono could show me some more moves?" Silence met his comments and coughing. 'Please god save me from Super SEALs with mother hen issues!' "Steve, you there? You okay big guy? Do you need a hug?" Feigning concern for Steve, since. after all it was Danny buried in the parking structure. "Also I am curious how the hell did you get out when I am stuck here? Did you like teleport out of range just at the garage blew? Did you think of letting me know the bomb was about to go off? Why are you out there and I am stuck in here?" It felt good to think about something else. It always helped him to get Super SEAL angry, although Steve didn't get angry as much anymore.
"Danny," ah, worried face was here. "I do not teleport. I jumped off the structure as I yelled at you to do the same." It was said softly.
"Rambo I was fifty feet from the edge how the hell would I be able to travel that distance in three seconds? I mean I am not an Olympic Champion. I can't fly, like some people. And apparently it was your day to have the transporter." Danny began coughing again. Nothing to really concern them about, except this time his cough was wetter than it had been, 'shit.'
"Breath, Danno, just breath." Steve was talking quietly to him. "You know you don't have to be a smart ass all the time right?" Waiting for the coughing to stop.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. With you as a partner? One of has to be the communicator since the other of us is, Mr. Silent and Stare them down." Danny smiled in the dark. He saw aneurysm face in his head. It was better than worried face. Worried face meant that Steve had no way to fixed something or at least hadn't figured out how to fix it yet. Worried face meant Danny would be trapped for longer than he would like. Worried face meant Danny could be well and truly fucked.
"Okay you be the communicator." Taking a deep breath, "but can you just rest for the time being? You were out for at least four hours and we don't know your condition. At least we have a rough idea where you are in the structure, but are having difficulty getting to you. I am not going to lie to you Danny. This is going to be a long one."
'Shit,' Danny took a breath and his ribs protested. "Then I feel I should inform you the ribs are not just bruised they are broken. And I believe I am bleeding internally." It was said as calmly as he could. Truth was he was scared. Would he be able to see Grace at least? Say goodbye to her? Would she remember him if he was gone? 'Stop it Daniel,' he said to himself, 'do not panic. You will not panic.'
Silence on the other end of the ear wick. "Danny," Kono's sweet voice.
"Hey, Kono. How are you doing?"
Strained laughter, "umm not as good as you apparently. So we're going surfing later?" Steve had run from the truck and left a note to keep him talking. She had heard him admit to the internal injuries on the speaker when Kono walked in. They were still hours from getting to Danny.
"Yeah," he coughed a bit. "Figured I needed some new moves to show Gracie when I have her in a couple of weeks."
"Sure, brah. We can hit the waves." Kono sounded scared.
"Hey girl I won't embarrass you." Danny tried to sound confident. Truth be told he would embarrass himself more. The last escapade on a board hadn't gone so well. A slight chuckled. "Look Kono," taking a shallow breath, "it's going to be okay. Super SEAL will save the day. He always does."
"Uh huh." She didn't sound convinced.
"Hey Danny." Chin's voice came into his ear. "So can you do me a favor?"
"We need you to move around a little bit okay? They are trying to locate your exact location, but the air around you is about the same as your body temperature."
Danny laughed, "of course I move to Hawaii and get trapped in ninety degree weather and the pocket I am in registers a perfect 98.7. Go me! Does anyone else see the pathetic irony in that?" But Danny did as he was told. He shifted his weight around. Waved his arms. Pretty much imagined yelling at Steve. "Steve better find me cause I am going to kick this shit." The team members laughed.
"Okay Danny." Chin smiled, "I got a thumbs up. I think they have you. But it is going to take time. You need to rest. Can you close your eyes and get a bit of rest? The EMTs said it should help with your breathing if you relax." He was going for soothing in his words, but there was a hint of fear to them.
"Shit Chin, I haven't even had my eyes open. Every time I did something fell into them. Besides it's dark in here, so I figured why bother?" Danny tried for heroic but sounded worried.
He must have fallen asleep and gotten some rest, "Danno come on wake up man." Steve sounded frazzled. "Please you need to wake up now okay? Please." In the dark the voice sounded wonderful. Even as exhausted as he was feeling the sound made him smile. "Come on Danno wake up. If not for me, us, do it for Grace. She wants to see her Danno again."
Something in the words penetrated his brain. Why did Steve sound so scared? "Steve?" He mutters groggily.
"Oh thank god Danny. You have been asleep for almost two hours man. How are you feeling? Your breathing? Your chest?" He could see would it be worth the risk face fighting with worried face.
Taking a deep breath and moving carefully he found he was hurting more. Breathing wasn't so bad. Wiggling a little bit he smiled, "I gotta pee man."
"Ha funny Danny. Really? How are you?" Worried face.
"I can breathe a little better. Chest is now officially killing me. And I, honestly man, really gotta pee. How long am I going to be here?" The humor was laced with more pain than before.
"A few more hours at least. You got some rest which is good. It allowed the dust to settle so breathing should be easier." Steve didn't sound too sure.
"How long Steve?" Knowing he didn't really want to know.
"We don't know Danny." Steve let his frustration sound. "You are buried pretty deeply in there. When the structure blew it imploded in toward the center of the structure and somehow you went inward with the rubble. Damn Danno I just don't know." When Steve admits defeat that is pretty much the end.
"Steven listen to me," taking a breath, "I need you to get Grace and Rachel. Bring them to me. I deserve to say goodbye. I need to say goodbye." His breath hitched.
"No," it was strangled.
He smiled into the darkness, "it isn't the end man. But you said it yourself it could be a while. No one knows how bad the internal injuries are until they can check me. If I am buried too deep no one will able to check me for a while. So we are screwed both ways. I need to put things in order," he said solemnly. "Prepare for the worst and hope the best you know." As a police officer he knew this day could come. His will was up to date, Grace would get everything. Rachel would be executor until Grace was old enough. It wasn't much but it would hopefully be enough for Grace to go to college. There were letters for his family and friends. All cleaned up nice and neatly.
"Danno don't give up. Please," it was a pleading sound.
Knowing the guilt the other man must be feeling, "Steve, relax man. I trust you to save my ass. Besides you got me here. I expect you to get me out." It was said firmly. Danny knew the other man was beating himself up, this time they did everything right and still the shit hit the fan. 'Go Danno,' he thought. 'Yeah me!'
He listened to Steve breath on the ear wick. "Danny." Letting him get to it, cause Danny could see tortured face in his head. Steve had worn it only twice before when Mary had been kidnapped and when Chin was wearing the bomb around his neck. It didn't help Danny that he could see each of the faces there in the dark like Steve was with him. Scarily that was almost a comfort. If he got out of here he might try and figure out why. "Danno I am sorry. So sorry."
"Ah god, I am going to die. You apologized," trying to make light of it. No one laughed, "Steve are Kono and Chin with you?"
"No, they went to get Rachel and Grace since we knew if you woke up you would want to speak to them. Why?"
"Am I on open speaker?" Shifting slightly in the dark Danny found a more comfortable position sitting more up right.
Concerned, "no just me in here." Worried face, "why?"
"Cause I have a favor to ask." Danny sounded tired, sad and defeated. Something Steve had never heard before. He couldn't bring himself to answer knowing Danny would continue when he was ready. The men knew each other pretty well. "You will make sure Grace grows up correctly?" A strangled choke from Steve, "right? I mean I can trust you not to actually shoot her first boy friend. Just make sure he doesn't want to touch her. EVER!"
"Uh huh," was all Steve could choke.
"When she gets married make sure Kono is a bridesmaid. Also you need to run background check on every guy she meets. You will see her every Saturday. You. Kono and Chin can teach her to surf, but don't let her neglect school. Grace will go to college. You understand me." Danny was on a roll, Steve let him go. He was actually making notes on the pad in front of him. Knowing he would be haunted by Danny if he failed at any of this. "When she has children, god help me my baby having kids, anyway when she has children you will be Grandpa Steve and Chin and Grandma Kono. Spoiling in a Williams' family trait for grandparents." Taking a breath he started to cough.
"Danny stop," Steve couldn't take hearing the cough. It was getting wetter.
"No," he coughed some more, "have to get this out." He coughed knowing the wetness on his lips was blood. When the fit was over, "my Gracie is very much into dolphins right now. Her favorite color is purple, not just any purple, royal dark purple. She hates those Tennis lessons, but loves the swim lessons. She is very much a little fish. Grace tries to wear her bikini to the beach, she is 9 for Christ sake she is not to wear a bikini until she is 40. If then. What else?" Taking the time to breath he moans as he shifts.
"Danno?" Quietly.
"Sorry had to shift. Don't have to pee anymore. Please be the one to find me, I don't want the entire island to know I went in my chinos okay?" A small chuckle.
"Your secret is safe with me." Shifting in his chair Steve's heart was breaking. "What else about Grace do I, we need to know." Steve was keeping detailed notes. That microphone was the only link to his partner.
"Rachel." He stopped, thought and started again, "Rachel can be a hard ass, but she is a good person and a damn good mother. We just screwed up our relationship. She didn't want to be a cops wife and I spent too many hours being a cop. We can't exactly turn it off you know. So don't go all 'Rush to Judgment on her Ass' when she puts her foot down. Remember its fear speaking. Use your 'Sneaky SEAL' skills and get your way. I trust you, Kono and Chin to raise my Gracie right." A slight hiccup. "Okay?"
Steve was looking at Rachel who heard the end of Danny's diatribe. She had tears in her eyes. "Uh Danny. I think Rachel and Grace have arrived." Not wanting the man to know Rachel had heard him.
"Uh okay. Umm Steve before they get there do me one more thing?" He sounded scared finally.
"Whatever you want." Steve was clutching the desk when he just wanted to take Danny's hand and comfort him.
"Don't kill Step Stan even if he deserves it. Rachel loves him and he isn't half bad. Okay?" Steve nods mutely, "oh and find someone like me to kick your ass every once in a while. Cause you can get so full of yourself buddy." Danny laughed.
Steve just wiped his eye from the dust, 'yeah dust.' Only Danny would tell him not to kill someone and then tell him to find a new partner in one breath. "Will do," if he said more Steve would lose it, "oh Rachel. Hi."
She nodded at Steve seeing this situation was worse than she had first been told. Danny had always come home. Always, "hey Daniel. Grace is outside." Rachel changed places with Steve. "Do you want Steve to get her?"
"Not yet Rachel." He started to cough. "We need to discuss her future before she gets here.
"Okay Daniel," softly, "what am I going to do?" Even though she had been warned, Rachel hadn't realized how bad off Danny really was. She let him talk.
"Kono, Chin and Steve WILL," emphasizing with a cough, "be a part of Grace's life. They are her new aunt and uncles. They get my visitation days. Understand?" Danny started to cough harder. Talking was doing more harm than good, but he needed to tell them. "I wrote it all down Rachel. Just like before." Rachel smiled tenderly he always protected those around him. "My will," he hesitates, "the paperwork is in my desk at work. The letters are there. Please Rachel let Grace grow up with them." A quiet beg.
"Danny whatever you want." Tears were running down her cheeks freely now. "I need to go get Grace." Steve had written on the notepad to go get Grace. Danny's voice was so much quieter and he was having trouble catching what breath he had.
A hesitant, "Danno?" Grace was in her mother's arms in the chair by the microphone now. A terrified look on her face at not being able to see Danny.
"Monkey," he wheezed. Grace began to cry Kono and Rachel had warned her that Danny was hurt so she knew some of what was happening. "Shhh shhh Gracie. Danno loves you."
Rachel was holding Grace tightly in the chair both of them crying, "Danno aren't you coming home?"
"No Monkey. I don't think so," Danny's voice was strained trying to hold back his tears."But Uncles Steve and Chin and Aunt Kono will be there to remind you that Danno loves you."
"Me, too, honey," Rachel kissed the top of Grace's head like Danny did.
"Yeah, Mommy too." His coughing lasted a long time. All they could do is wait it until he quieted. "Gracie remember I love you more than everything. Forever."
"I love you too Danno." Grace touched the microphone with her small hand, "forever and ever."
"Rachel is Steve there," they had to strain to hear him now.
"Yeah, Danno I am right here."
"Make them leave now, man, please," he didn't want Grace and Rachel to hear him die.
"No, Danno, NO," Grace screamed as Rachel all but fled the trailer with the terrified child.
"Danny?" Steve took the chair. "Please, Danny, don't go."
"Sorry Super SEAL. Gotta get some rest now," so quiet. Danny sounded so far away now.
"Danny? Danno? Oh god Danno!" Steve began to cry. Alone in the trailer his best friend dying in the dark and there was nothing he could do. "Please come home to us Danno."
Three hours later
"We got him," the EMTs moved to Danny who was still in the rubble. The backboard was passed down to them. Steve had refused to give up hope. It was still a rescue mission until they brought up a body. Kono, Chin and Steve had taken turns talking to the all too quiet man. Begging, pleading, and threatening, yes in that order, for Danny to come home to them.
One EMT started checking for vitals while the other was clearing the last of the debris of the fallen man. "I have a heartbeat," he said stunned. "Shut UP PEOPLE I can't hear!" Checking again, "I have a heartbeat, move it NOW people MOVE IT!"
Hope rose as they got Danny out of the hole and onto the backboard. Once he was clear of the hole they started chest compressions, got him hooked up to machines and ready for transport. Rachel and Grace rode with Kono and Chin to the hospital. Steve was in the ambulance with Danny. "You come home to us Danno." It was a chant. Silently he added, 'home to me, I need someone to boss me around.'
Feedback and comments welcome.