I love making stuff!

Apr 17, 2010 20:56

My number 1 excuse for not making myself clothes - particularly tops, is about to end. i have always wanted a dressmakers dummy/doll and tomorrow I will be making one.

Thanks to my new fav craft website I have seen a few "How-to" on how to make a body double. While some seem quick & simple by wrapping yourself in plastic film, I think that could get a little chunky in the wrong places. So I am choosing the paper-machet method. I have a very willing helper who can't wait to get his hands on my torso - hahaha (it'll be the most action I've seen in ages) although i will have to make sure we get an even layer all over.

once done there will be my dress-form. However I don't plan to simply stop there, I want something more. I want mine to be free standing so I can use it easily. So I plan to take:

1 x swing-ball set (from refuse shop) or similar
1 x bottom half of old Tellus vacuum with castors
dirt, concrete or some kind of filler

By putting the swing ball set upside down in the Tellus & filling it, i should have a free standing pole, with little pointy out things near the top on which to rest my dress form. Then I can fix it into place or not.

My budget is $20, & given that i only need to buy paste & the filler new, i think this is achievable. Given that new dress makers dolls are about $300 ( & I don't think that includes them being on castors) I'll be pretty happy if I can pull this one off.

although, now I am looking at the how-to again, I'm thinking it could be more feasible to use old wall paper, with the glue on the back... hmmm less water, stronger finish... more recycling.
Photos may come.

Edit: I found some of the right kind of wall paper, got a full roll, a swing-ball pipe & a set of baskets on castors all for only $5. I will be putting pictures some where! ooooo can't wait!
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