
Feb 07, 2010 11:36

together they may come together.

I've been thinking that Samantha needs to see more of our awesome country, and so do I. While I have travelled most of the South Island as an adult, my daughter has only been given a little opportunity and we have never gone on holiday - except to grandparents type trips.

When we moved to Wellington I gave her a jigsaw with a map of NZ & as i know she has lost a few pieces of it, today we put it together, I noted the pieces she is missing (only 2 land ones) & put all the land pieces into a bag, she then picked one out.

Our first exploring holiday will be to: Springfield! Canterbury. As she is a Simpsons fan, she finds this hilarious! I have worked out that it is going to be cheapest to fly down to chch, hire a small campervan & explore the region where Springfield is. We have worked out costs & will be saving as much money as possible - this is going to be a great way to also teach her about how to choose the cheapest items at the supermarket & also to think about how much she might want something - before asking me to buy it for her.

Today we are going to start the savings jar.
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